[gradsusr] Tutorial assistance

Jennifer Adams jma at cola.iges.org
Fri Nov 8 11:17:12 EST 2013

Hi, Fred -- 

On Nov 8, 2013, at 10:44 AM, Mayes, Fred wrote:

> I am attempting to go through the tutorial for the Windows version of GrADS,
> http://ieges.org/grads/gadoc/tutorial.html .  I performed the operations
> clear
> set lon -90
> set lat   40
> set lev 500
> set t 1
> on the data set model.ctl. In doing so, I received back after the “set lat 40” command the statement,
> “LAT set to 42 42”.  Is this to be expected?
The grid in model.ctl is very coarse. When you request a latitude or longitude that does not exactly match the center of a grid point, it sets the dimension to the lat/lon closest to your request. The message it returns is to let you know what that lat/lon actually is. 

> After this, I gave the command “d z” and received back an “Invalid Operand” notice that “z not a variable or function name.”
If you issue a 'q file' command, GrADS will show you the list of variables in your file. Is 'z' in that list? 


> Please advise.  Thanks.
> Fred Mayes
> Senior Technology  Analyst,
>    Electricity, Coal,  Nuclear and Renewables Office
> Energy Information Administration
> 1000 Independence Ave., SW   EI-34
> Washington, DC  20585
> (202) 586-1508 (W)
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Jennifer M. Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
111 Research Hall, Mail Stop 2B3
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030 

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