[gradsusr] Tripolar Grid GFDL MOM

Jennifer Adams jma at cola.iges.org
Tue May 21 12:38:18 EDT 2013

There is a way to do this using a PDEF file, but it requires some external software tools to generate the interpolation weights and then to create the PDEF file itself. I set up a workflow to do this for CMIP5 ocean and sea ice variables, which are almost all on non-rectilinear grids. I use the ESMF tool called ESMF_RegridWeightGen to do the interpolation and get the weights, then I wrote a short C program called weights2pdef.c to transform the output from RegridWeightGen into a PDEF file for GrADS. Both tools require the netcdf library. The ESMF software is straightforward to build, and their help desk is excellent if you run into problems. Everything I have used for the CMIP5 data is here:


Start by reading the README file. There may be much more there than you need, but you can see how I generate the PDEF file and the GrADS descriptor files automatically with the grads script write_ctl.gs. Also, I interpolate to a linear 0.5-degree grid, which may not meet your needs.

On May 16, 2013, at 4:13 PM, Fernanda Casagrande wrote:

> Hello, 
> How can I use a tripolar grid in grads? 
> or 
> Can we regrid tripolar grid data from GFDL MOM model outputs (NetCDF format) to regular grid using grads?
> Best Regards. 
> Fernanda 
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Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at cola.iges.org

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