[gradsusr] Extract different point values

Muhammad Yunus Ahmad Mazuki ukm.yunus at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 21:56:35 EDT 2013

Another point, since the data extracted are saved in binary, you can open
them in other programs such as MatLab and Scilab and analyse them in more


On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Muhammad Yunus Ahmad Mazuki <
ukm.yunus at gmail.com> wrote:

> If you would like to extract that data, do utilise scripting. It depends
> on what are your values concept? is a point value as in just one data, or
> in that point, you want a series values, perhaps temperature from 1000 hPa
> to 850 hPa at a point, or a time series perhaps. In any case, you can
> extract what you want from both model and obsservation and compare them in
> GrADS, maybe do some analysis using GrADS as well. Example of point value.
> 'sdfopen foo.nc'
> lonvalue=90
> latvalue=0
> levvalue=850
> tvalue=1
> 'set lon 'lonvalue
> 'set lat 'latvalue
> 'set t 'tvalue
> 'set lev 'levvalue
> 'd variable1'
> catch=sublin(result,4)
> 'set gxout fwrite'
> 'set fwrite point.dat'
> 'd 'catch
> 'disable fwrite'
> This is just a basic one point value extraction. You can expand this based
> on your needs. You can use loop in setting the lon, lat, lev and t value,
> that is if your interested location can be used in loops. You can read more
> on http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/script.html for scripting and
> http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/aboutgriddeddata.html if you wish to
> extract a more complicated values (series, timeseries, or even
> fields(though you better off opening both model and observational in
> GrADS)).
> Yunus.
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 2:23 AM, Thomas Robinson <ter at hawaii.edu> wrote:
>> Madak,
>> If you set your latitude and longitude and vertical level to the point
>> you want and display the variable, then you can get the point value.
>> Let's say you want to get precip at 21.2N and 158.8W
>> set lat 21.2
>> set lon -158.8
>> set z 1
>> d precip
>> In the command line, it will display the single point value.
>> -Tom
>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 3:05 AM, Mary Ndlovu <maryndlovu at aol.com> wrote:
>>> I do not think i understand very well. How is your data, montly, daily
>>> etc? And what exactly do you want to select, that would make it easier to
>>> help if we have the specifications.
>>>  Mary Ndlovu
>>> maryndlovu at aol.com
>>>  -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Madak Khan <madak76 at yahoo.com>
>>> To: gradsusr <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
>>> Sent: Sun, Mar 24, 2013 12:16 pm
>>> Subject: [gradsusr] Extract different point values
>>>  Hi
>>> I have an output (precipitation) from model in NetCDF format. I want to
>>> extract the corresponding values of 30 points how can i do that? these 30
>>> points are my selected stations with specific latitude and longitude. I
>>> will compare these values (from model output) with observed data. so if any
>>> body have script please guide me.
>>> Thank you
>>> FROM:
>>> Madak
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>> --
>> Tom Robinson
>> President - Graduate Student Organization
>> Graduate Student - Department of Meteorology
>> 732-718-2323
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