[gradsusr] high resolution file plotting constant value
Carissa Klemmer - NOAA Federal
carissa.l.klemmer at noaa.gov
Thu Mar 14 14:59:07 EDT 2013
Thanks all. I will try the suggestions below.
On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 2:12 PM, Wesley Ebisuzaki - NOAA Federal <
wesley.ebisuzaki at noaa.gov> wrote:
> Hi Carissa,
> From my experience, you are right. It's a small stack problem. The
> jpeg2000 compression
> uses the Jasper library which requires a large stack when processing large
> grids. You can
> change the stack size by ulimit -s XXXXX. (Only works once per terminal
> session.)
> As for the NOMADS implementation, you have two choices
> (1) increase the stack size on the NOMADS machine. Not sure how this
> affects the memory footprint.
> (probably OS dependent)
> (2) change the sst from jpeg2000 packing into complex packing
> wgrib2 IN.grb -set_grib_type c2 -grib_out OUT.grb
> The advantage of (2) is that complex packing is much faster than
> jpeg2000 to decode.
> Wesley Ebisuzaki
> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 12:25 PM, Jennifer Adams <jma at cola.iges.org>wrote:
>> Hi, Carissa --
>> I can draw your temperature field on my mac laptop, but get the same
>> error you do on my linux server ("Constant field. Value= 271.35"). There is
>> a non-informative message "jpc_decode return" that comes from the grib2
>> library. The 'jpc_decode' routine is part of the jasper library, which is
>> required by the grib2 library, but I can't find anything about it in the
>> jasper documentation. In the library's code, there are comments that this
>> routine is the JPEG-2000 decoder. So the problem likely has something to do
>> with the JPEG compression. I have no idea why it would work on AIX and OSX
>> but not linux, but I don't think ulimit or the GrADS version has anything
>> to do with it (I was testing with GrADS 2.0.2, but the grib2 I/O code
>> hasn't changed in a long time). Can you try using wgrib2 or some other tool
>> to change the compression and see if that makes a difference? I don't have
>> any other bright ideas … perhaps Wesley can be more helpful.
>> --Jennifer
>> On Mar 14, 2013, at 11:17 AM, Carissa Klemmer - NOAA Federal wrote:
>> Users,
>> I work for NCEP on the team that supports the operational NOMADS site. We
>> are in the process of adding a new product to GrADS-OpenDAP but are running
>> into issues. I have included the syntax for the control file used below to
>> make the index file. Once the control and index file are created I attempt
>> to view the data plotted through grads.
>> Here is the problem. I can not get the data to plot anything but a
>> constant value on our sandbox nomads server or on my desktop. I can however
>> see the plot successfully on our operational supercomputer. I have
>> suspicions of the ulimit stack size, but have not been able to confirm this
>> due to the test machines system constraints. So can anyone else get this
>> data to successfully plot? If so please share your wisdom. Why does the
>> exact same control file and grads version work on one system but not
>> another?
>> The supercomputer is running grads version 2.0.a7 on AIX with ulimit -s
>> of 4000000.
>> NOMADS sandbox is running 2.0.a3.p3 on LINUX with ulimit -s of 16832
>> I have downloaded both 2.0.2 and 2.0.a7 to my desktop (LINUX) with a
>> ulimit -s 8000.
>> 1. The grib2 file: rtgssthr_grb_0.083.grib2
>> which can be found for download under:
>> http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/sst.20130313/
>> 2. The control file (sst.ctl) was created from g2ctl as follows:
>> dset rtgssthr_grb_0.083.grib2
>> index sst.idx
>> undef 9.999E+20
>> title /com/gfs/prod/sst.20130312/rtgssthr_grb_0.083.grib2
>> * produced by g2ctl v0.0.8.2
>> * command line options:
>> /com/gfs/prod/sst.20130312/rtgssthr_grb_0.083.grib2
>> * griddef=1:0:(4320 x 2160):grid_template=0:winds(N/S): lat-lon
>> grid:(4320 x 2160) units 1e-06 input WE:NS output WE:SN res 48 lat
>> 89.9 58000 to -89.958000 by 0.083000 lon 0.042000 to
>> 359.958000 by 0.083000 #points=9331200:winds(N/S)
>> dtype grib2
>> ydef 2160 linear -89.958000 0.083
>> xdef 4320 linear 0.042000 0.083000
>> tdef 1 linear 00Z12mar2013 1mo
>> zdef 1 linear 1 1
>> vars 1
>> TMPsfc 0,1,0 0,0,0 ** surface Temperature [K]
>> 3. to create the index file I ran:
>> >gribmap -0 -v -i sst.ctl
>> 4.To view the output
>> >grads
>> >d tmpsfc
>> As even more proof that I somewhat know what I am doing, I can
>> successfully create a control and index file using the same steps as above
>> and view pretty graphics for the half degree SST, rtgssthr_grb_0.5.grib2.
>> Thanks for any insight.
>> --
>> Carissa Klemmer
>> NCEP Central Operations
>> Production Management Branch Dataflow Team
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>> --
>> Jennifer M. Adams
>> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
>> Calverton, MD 20705
>> jma at cola.iges.org
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Carissa Klemmer
NCEP Central Operations
Production Management Branch Dataflow Team
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