[gradsusr] Problems installing CDO

Gualberto Hernandez Juarez gualberto.hernandez at iie.org.mx
Wed Mar 13 18:56:27 EDT 2013

Hi all,


Install libs4cdo and all good, but I could not compile CDO

Reading, I found that I need to assign:

CFLAGS = "-DHAVE_LIBNC_DAP" to change the compiler to Compiler: gcc-std

So I run:

. / configure - with-proj = / home/Admin/MM5/libs4cdo-0.0.10/build -
with-grib_api = / home/Admin/MM5/libs4cdo-0.0.10/build - with-jasper = /
home/Admin/MM5/libs4cdo-0.0.10/build - with-netcdf = /
home/Admin/MM5/libs4cdo-0.0.10/build - with-HDF5 = /
home/Admin/MM5/libs4cdo-0.0. 10/build - with-zlib = /
home/Admin/MM5/libs4cdo-0.0.10/build - with-szlib = /
home/Admin/MM5/libs4cdo-0.0.10/build - with-threads = /
home/Admin/MM5/libs4cdo-0.0.10/build - enable-cgribex = no CFLAGS =

and when type cdo-V, I get:

Version 1.5.9 Climate Data Operators (http://code.zmaw.de/projects/cdo)
Compiler: gcc-std = gnu99-g-O2-pthread
version: gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.7.1 20120723 [gcc-4_7-branch review 189773]
with: pthreads Z
Compiled: by Admin on linux-5py7 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) Mar November
2013 19:40:22
CDI library version: 1.5.9 of Mar November 2013 19:40:16
CGRIBEX library version: 1.5.6 of Dec 17 2012 13:44:05
Service Library version: 1.3.1 of Mar November 2013 19:40:07
EXTRA library version: 1.3.1 of Mar November 2013 19:40:00
IEG library version: 1.3.1 of Mar November 2013 19:40:04
FILE library version: 1.8.1 of Mar November 2013 19:40:00

The compiler has not changed (-g-O2-pthread), and therefore the CDO
compile with make, I get the error

In file included from /
home/Admin/MM5/libs4cdo-0.0.10/build/include/pthread.h: 288:0,
from file.c: 74:
/ home/Admin/MM5/libs4cdo-0.0.10/build/include/sched.h: 70:3: error: #
error Please upgrade your GNU compiler to One That supports __ declspec.

Attached cdo.settings file and make.out

I hope you can help me, thank you very much in advance.



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