[gradsusr] Plot max hybrid levels

Davide Sacchetti davide.sacchetti at arpal.gov.it
Wed Mar 13 10:55:26 EDT 2013

ok: use my a.ctl just for hybrid level variables

... it should work ...

bye bye

On Tue, 2013-03-12 at 18:56 +0100, Marcos Tesouro Montecelo wrote:
> Thanks Davide
> I'm trying to do that, but I can't get it. How can I create this ctl?
> Thanks in advance again
> Regards, Marcos
> ---
> MeteoGalicia
>      Dr. Marcos Tesouro Montecelo
>      Dpto. Predición Numérica e Investigación 
> Rúa Roma, 6 
> 15.707 Santiago de
> Compostela
> Tel: +34 981 957 462
> Fax: +34 981 957 466
> marcos.tesouro at meteogalicia.es 
> www.meteogalicia.es
> El 08/03/13 14:53, Davide Sacchetti escribió:
> > the problem is that you have 3 variables for 3 levels: you should try to
> > create a ctl with 1 var for 3 levs ...
> > 
> > hoping it could help
> > bye bye
> > Davide
> > 
> > On Fri, 2013-03-08 at 14:26 +0100, Marcos Tesouro Montecelo wrote:
> > > Dear users,
> > > 
> > > I'm trying to plot the maximun between several hybrid level of a
> > > variable. With pressure levels it is easy with the function max() or
> > > maxloc(), but I can not get it for my case.
> > > For instance, I'd like to calculate the maximun between these the
> > > hybrid levels of temperature:
> > > 
> > >      tmphlev1  0  11  ** hybrid level 1 Temp. [K]
> > >      tmphlev2  0  11  ** hybrid level 2 Temp. [K]
> > >      tmphlev3  0  11  ** hybrid level 3 Temp. [K]
> > > 
> > > Could you help me, please?
> > > Thank you in advance.
> > > Best regards
> > > -- 
> > > MeteoGalicia
> > >      Dr. Marcos Tesouro Montecelo
> > >      Dpto. Predición Numérica e Investigación 
> > >  
> > > Rúa Roma, 6 
> > > 15.707 Santiago de
> > > Compostela
> > > 
> > > Tel: +34 981 957 462
> > > Fax: +34 981 957 466
> > > marcos.tesouro at meteogalicia.es 
> > > www.meteogalicia.es
> > > 
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > gradsusr mailing list
> > > gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> > > http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr

--> Attenzione cambio indirizzo: davide.sacchetti at arpal.gov.it
Davide Sacchetti
Centro Funzionale Meteo Idrologico di Protezione Civile della Regione Liguria
ARPAL Unità Tecnica Complessa di livello Regionale
V.le Brigare Partigiane 2 16121 Genova (I)
tel: +39 010 6437535                    fax: +39 010 6437520
mail: davide.sacchetti at arpal.gov.it     web: www.meteoliguria.it
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dset ^wrf_arw_det_04km_20130313_0000.grib
index ^wrf_arw_det_04km_20130313_0000.grib.idx
undef 9.999E+20
title wrf_arw_det_04km_20130313_0000.grib
*  produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p46
dtype grib 255
pdef 117 126 lccr 40.719000 -11.244000 1 1 43.000000 43.000000 -14.100000 4000 4000
xdef 117 linear -11.244000 0.0479783221189823
ydef 126 linear 40.719000 0.0363636363636364
tdef 97 linear 00Z13mar2013 1hr
*  z has 37 levels, for prs
zdef 3 levels 1 2 3
vars 7
DPT  3 17,109 ** hybrid level 1 Dew point temp. [K]
HGT  3 7,109 ** hybrid level 1 Geopotential height [gpm]
PRES 3 1,109 ** hybrid level 1 Pressure [Pa]
RH   3 52,109 ** hybrid level 1 Relative humidity [%]
TMP  3 11,109 ** hybrid level 1 Temp. [K]
UGRD 3 33,109 ** hybrid level 1 u wind [m/s]
VGRD 3 34,109 ** hybrid level 1 v wind [m/s]
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