[gradsusr] finding differences between two runs with ctl files having different number of variables

Jagabandhu Panda jagabandhu at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 05:30:07 EST 2013

Dear users:

     Hope you guys are doing fine. I need your help or suggestions to
overcome a problem. I have WRF output from two model runs with same
horizontal and vertical resolutions. I have two ctl files for this purpose
with corresponding dat files for them. For both of these outputs, I have
xdef, ydef, zdef and tdef same for both the files. However, the number of
variables are different. One contains 166 variables and other 123. Since
the model was tuned to produce more variables in the output file in the
earlier case, the number of variables are more. However, in the later case
it was not tuned to do so. On the other hand, they do produce same
diagnostics after post processing.

When I want to find the difference between say 2dcape field from these two
runs, I am unable to do so as it says:

Operation error:  Incompatable grids
  Dimension ranges aren't equivalent
  Dimension = 1
  1st grid range = 5 117   2nd = 5 117
  Error ocurred at column 16
DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression
  Expression = mcape.2-mcape.1
EXEC error:  error in metvar.sh.  EXEC stopped.
I am unable to point out how to proceed to find the differences each hour
for a meteorological variable from the two runs. Could you please suggest
some way to overcome it if possible. I will really be thankful to you for
this purpose.

Thanks and regards
-- Jagabandhu
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