[gradsusr] hello

L.B. bcbass2989 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 15 21:20:56 EST 2013

Hello again Jovana,

After searching for quite a while, I came across this shapefile of global
political boundaries:

If you are unfamiliar with how to use shapefiles within GrADS, here is some
documentation: http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/gradcomddrawshp.html and

For starters, I would recommend something as follows:

'set line 1 1 1'
'draw shp /directory/your/shapefile/is/in/name_of_shapefile.shp'

This will create a solid black line of thickness 1, which should work
pretty good. You may also need to shut off mpdset via the command: 'mpdraw

*William (L.B.) LaForce*
Central Michigan University '13

On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 7:35 PM, L.B. <bcbass2989 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jovana,
> I think your best option would be to use shapefiles to plot countries, etc
> and not the default mpdset option within GrADS. I do not have any specific
> shapefiles for that area, or any links, but I am sure someone here will
> respond with some options for you. In the meantime, I'll look for some
> online just in case.
> *William (L.B.) LaForce*
> Meteorologist
> Central Michigan University '13
> www.tornadoinsanity.com
> On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Jovana Perencevic <
> jovana.perencevic at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I am a new here, so I do not really know how this works, if I get it
>> right, I should just pop the question here.
>> Well, before question, just little info I know the basics of GrADS, and
>> that works fine for me, cause it's just one semester course at my
>> university I work with GRIB1 (that also works just fine), and I don't know
>> which version of GrADS I have (silent applause ).
>> Well, I am from Serbia, (if you are not familiar it's one of the
>> countries created from Yugoslavia +5/6 more countries,  we are in Europe,
>> at Balkan peninsula), and when I use *mpdset mres *I get Yugoslavia,  is
>> there any more up to date map? (I know we are small, and mostly irrelevant,
>> but Yugoslavia started to fall apart in early 90s) Or is there any chance
>> to make map, putting some political maps like a layer or something like
>> that.
>> One more time, sorry if this was topic already, I am new here and sort of
>> lost. And sorry for bad English :/
>> Thee ee ;)
>> J.
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