[gradsusr] How to change the color spectrum into a black and white / grey spectrum?

Mohsen Soltani soltani.clima at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 01:32:34 EDT 2013

Dear Friends;

I wanna make a grey output. How can I change the colorbar's spectrum from
color into grey? I mean I’ve like to have a heavy dark black to light grey
and finally white colorbar's spectrum.

I used this to make a grey chart, …..  '!gxeps -b -i filename -o E:/
filename.eps' . Using "-b " instead of –C, produces a black and white map.
But I’m afraid the output doesn’t look like very good! Therefore, I wanna
change it from color into a range of black and white colors through
defining new colorbar's spectrum.

How can I do that? Any suggestion?



some are weather-wise some are otherwise!
Best Wishes,
(Mr.) Mohsen Soltani
Climatology Grad Student (M.Sc.),
Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Tel: (+98) 9119772934
e-mail: soltani.clima at gmail.com
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