[gradsusr] Scatter plot from 2 files

Mary Ndlovu maryndlovu at aol.com
Wed Apr 3 05:06:21 EDT 2013


Please help me. I am trying to plot a scatter plot from 2 different files. The 2 variables are sst; rf... so file 1 has sst, file 2 has rf. So when i do
'd sst ; rf.2'
i get an error message 

 Data Request Error: Invalid grid coordinates
  World coordinates convert to non-integer grid coordinates
    Variable = rf.2  Dimension = 0 
  Error ocurred at column 1
DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression 
  Expression = rf.2

I have tried to convert the file to be grads friendly... when i deal with this file on its own, everything works fine... but in the scatter plot it doesn't seem to work

I have converted the grid 

Mary Ndlovu
maryndlovu at aol.com

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