[gradsusr] Change Numbers for Words: CBARN

Matt Alonso matt.alonso at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 20:16:39 EDT 2012

Hi Guisseppe,

It has been a bit since I've done much scripting in grads so this might not
be the optimal approach; it depends on how flexible this needs to me.  I've
never tried passing arrays as function args but you might want to try that.

There are 2 main things you need to do:

1) Create an array at the top of the function w/the text you want displayed:


2) Then change the code that plots the strings

*   Put numbers under each segment of the color key
*   num started at 0 but the array index for labels started
*   at 1, so we need to account for that
    if (num < cnum-1)
      if (vert)
        'draw string 'xp' 'yt' 'label
       'draw string 'xr' 'yp' 'label

I haven't actually tried this but it seems like it should work.

Let me know how it goes.

On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 11:02 PM, arturo vasqez <hibiki_inuyasha at yahoo.es>wrote:

> Hi all.
> I need help with the function CBARN, i want to configure the output of the
> bar. I want to put words instead of numbers, for example if the bar give me:
> ________________________
> _____/______/_____/____/
> 2   4      6     8    10
> i want to put it like this
> ________________________
> _____/______/_____/____/
>    cold   warm   hot        and so on ...
> any help please i don't know which part of the CBARN.gs i have to modify
> .... please if anyone knows how to do it, please help me.
> Thanks.
> Guisseppe Vasquez
> Agraria University, Peru
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