[gradsusr] correlation map

Stefano Materia stefano.materia at cmcc.it
Mon Oct 8 08:57:02 EDT 2012

Dear Bernd,
tcorr requires the first variable to be only function of time (if not, you
get an error message such as: "Error from TCORR:  1st arg must be 0-D").
I would like both the variables to be function of space as well, in order
to obtain a map of time correlations.

I hope this clarify my question.

Thanks for your help,

> do you mean more than this?
>  http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/gradfunctcorr.html
> --
> Bernd Becker   Climate Impacts Product Development
> Met Office Hadley Centre    FitzRoy Road  Exeter   Devon EX1 3PB  United
> Kingdom
> Tel.: +44 (0) 1392 884511 Fax: +44 (0)870 900 5050
> E-mail:bernd.becker at metoffice.gov.uk -
> http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/people/bernd-becker
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org
> [mailto:gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org] On Behalf Of Stefano Materia
> Sent: 08 October 2012 11:06
> To: GrADS Users Forum
> Subject: Re: [gradsusr] correlation map
> Hi all,
> this question has been asked many times, but nobody has ever provided an
> answer yet.
> How can I create a correlation maps in Grads?
> I have two monthly time series of soil moisture (120 months), and I
> would like to have a point-to-point correlation between them. Basically,
> i need to correlate the time series of each grid point in dataset no.1
> with the time series of the corresponding grid point in dataset no.2. In
> this way, I would obtain a map of correlations.
> Any help would be very much appreciated.
> Ciao,
> Stefano
>> Hi
>> I have 20 year composite in which i have two variables (meridional and
>> zonal wind speeds). I'm using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data from 1989
>> to nov2008.
>> I need a (spatial) map of correlation coefficients for that period.
>> I've explored the functions tcorr and scorr, but none of them is
>> suitable for that. The tcorr function requires that the first variable
>> is only a function of time, which is not in my case.
>> Thanks is advance
>> Sushant
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> --
> Stefano Materia, PhD
> Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici Viale Aldo Moro, 44 -
> 40127 Bologna
> Tel: +39 051 3782611
> Fax: +39 051 3782655
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Stefano Materia, PhD
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
Viale Aldo Moro, 44 - 40127 Bologna
Tel: +39 051 3782611
Fax: +39 051 3782655

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