[gradsusr] gradsusr Digest, Vol 27, Issue 2

Ashok Priyadarshan Dimri apdimri at yahoo.com
Wed May 2 05:02:35 EDT 2012

Can someone help me how to compute Mann Kendal significant test (say for precipitaion 1jan1980 to 31dec2007)?

Thanks in advace


 From: "gradsusr-request at gradsusr.org" <gradsusr-request at gradsusr.org>
To: gradsusr at gradsusr.org 
Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2012 5:03 PM
Subject: gradsusr Digest, Vol 27, Issue 2
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: OpenGrads on Windows (Arlindo da Silva)
   2. Re: How does grads plot a point within a grid (Ricardo Hallak)
   3. Re: OpenGrads on Windows (Maat, Herbert ter)
   4. Re: OpenGrads on Windows (Maat, Herbert ter)
   5. Re: shape files and printim: memory allocation error
      (Sergey Varlamov)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 20:24:02 -0400
From: Arlindo da Silva <dasilva at alum.mit.edu>
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] OpenGrads on Windows
To: GrADS Users Forum <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
    <CALz7xZc7vXAcEbuj=MZ3Lm2=6xrAC3WV+Y4Z0+iVhBSZbHcecQ at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 6:24 AM, Maat, Herbert ter <Herbert.termaat at wur.nl>wrote:

>  Dear list,****
> ** **
> I have the following problems on running OpenGrads 2.0.1 on my Windows
> machine. After installation a directory is (OpenGracs\Classic)

Which package exactly are you installing? Unless you are a cygwin user
already, stick with the superpak.

> is created with 4 directories who are linking to certain directories in
> the Contents directory. Am I correct that these links do not function?
> Well, at least these links are not working on my machine.****
> **

Yes, they should not work unless you are working from a cygwin shell; these
wrappers are written in perl, for windows I've rewritten them in visual
basic (see scripts above Contents/.) If you are not a cygwin user, you need
not worry about these details. Just install the Windows superpak, let it
automatically add the "grads" bin directory to your path and you should be
good to go, either from the [start] menu, from a icon on your desktop or
from the windows command line (cmd.exe).


> **
> Kind regards,****
> ** **
> Herbert ter Maat****
> ** **
> Researcher Land-Atmosphere Interactions****
> ESS-CC (Earth System Science-Climate Change)****
> Alterra, Wageningen-UR****
> PO Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands****
> Visiting address: Droevendaalsesteeg 3 (building 100), Wageningen****
> tel: +31 317 486429****
> fax: +31 317 419000****
> email: herbert.termaat at wur.nl****
> research: http://www.alterra.wur.nl/ESS-CC<http://www.alterra.wur.nl/UK/research/Specialisation+Water+and+Climate/ESSCC>
> ****
> education: http://www.ess.wur.nl****
> ** **
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> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
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Arlindo da Silva
*dasilva at alum.mit.edu*
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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 00:09:53 -0200
From: "Ricardo Hallak" <hallak at model.iag.usp.br>
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] How does grads plot a point within a grid
To: GrADS Users Forum <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
Message-ID: <20120502020035.M2947 at model.iag.usp.br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


it is the closest point. When you set an arbitrary (lon,lat) point of your choice on the command line, for example, 
a message says what point is going to be used.


On Tue, 1 May 2012 19:16:41 +0400, thibidottwo wrote
> Hi All,
> An elementary question that I cannot find an answer to in the users manual (I am sure I am just not reading it right). If I plot a variable at a particular point that falls somewhere in between the grid points of the file I am ingesting, does my output reflect the nearest neighbor model grid point data or is it interpolated between the four surrounding grid points?
> Thanks,
> Theo

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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 07:15:50 +0000
From: "Maat, Herbert ter" <Herbert.termaat at wur.nl>
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] OpenGrads on Windows
To: GrADS Users Forum <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
    <F019ACF1F0AF754A93DE3A449B671ABD04CB92 at SCOMP0936.wurnet.nl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Thanks for the reply.

I have the following problems on running OpenGrads 2.0.1 on my Windows machine. After installation a directory is (OpenGracs\Classic)

Which package exactly are you installing? Unless you are a cygwin user already, stick with the superpak.
>> I have used the superpack-installation file (grads-2.0.1.oga.1-win32_superpack.exe)

is created with 4 directories who are linking to certain directories in the Contents directory. Am I correct that these links do not function? Well, at least these links are not working on my machine.

Yes, they should not work unless you are working from a cygwin shell; these wrappers are written in perl, for windows I've rewritten them in visual basic (see scripts above Contents/.) If you are not a cygwin user, you need not worry about these details. Just install the Windows superpak, let it automatically add the "grads" bin directory to your path and you should be good to go, either from the [start] menu, from a icon on your desktop or from the windows command line (cmd.exe).

>> Just to make sure... the links that I am referring to are the bin, data, scripts and test_data directories. I opened them all in a text editor and they all start with !<symlink>.  When I double-click on one of these (e.g. bin)  then Windows ask me which program I want to use to open the file. If these symbolic links don't function anymore, then that is okay for me but I thought that these symbolic links are a nice addition :-)

Kind regards,

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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 07:17:44 +0000
From: "Maat, Herbert ter" <Herbert.termaat at wur.nl>
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] OpenGrads on Windows
To: GrADS Users Forum <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
    <F019ACF1F0AF754A93DE3A449B671ABD04DC21 at SCOMP0936.wurnet.nl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 02 May 2012 17:03:39 +0900
From: Sergey Varlamov <vsm at jamstec.go.jp>
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] shape files and printim: memory allocation
To: GrADS Users Forum <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
Message-ID: <4FA0EA5B.1030702 at jamstec.go.jp>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Dear GrADS users,

If some of you is interested in saving your images with
the large FILLED POLYGONS from the shape files
using the GrADS printim command or other GrADS utilities
that parse the metafile content, it could be fixed.

You have to modify source code to get it working.
Problem is that the filled polygon size
is saved in the metafile/buffer as C short int  (<32765).
The real filled polygon sizes in the shape files like Japan outline
(JPN_adm0.shp) are much larger. The solution I used was to save/write
the filled polygon size in the metafile buffer using two short numbers
instead of one at the write/save stage and restore it on the read/parse

Have to modify code in:

and the code of related utilities:
gxtran.c (this one has one more problem that the buffer
size is statically fixed and could be small in some cases...)

For me now printim works without problem.
Who is interested to get modified code please e-mail me
and I'll send you the modified files.

Sincerely yours,
Sergey Varlamov

Sergey Varlamov wrote:
> Dear GrADS users,
> Have somebody met a problem with printim that an attempt to save
> grads image that includes FILLED poligon constructed using shape files
> permanently results in the memory allocation error: gxhpng?
> I am running GrADS 2.0.1 build from the source
> on openSUSE linux computer. No problems when
> the fillcolor is not set, but regular error with the filled
> shapes...
> Would be very thankful for any solution or patch!
> Sergey Varlamov
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Sergey Varlamov

Senior Scientist
Ocean Downscaled Prediction Research Team
Climate Variation Predictability and Applicability Research Program
Research Institute for Global Change
JAMSTEC, 3173-25 Showa-machi, Kanazawa-ku,
Yokohama, Kanagawa-ken, 236-0001 JAPAN
Tel: +81-45-778-5516  Fax: +81-45-778-5707
E-mail: vsm at jamstec.go.jp

?236-0001 ?????????3173-25
?????????????? ????????
Varlamov Sergey


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