[gradsusr] plotting bars side by side instead of superposed.

Jose Augusto Paixão Veiga veiga.uea at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 21:47:40 EDT 2012

Dear users,

I would like to plot two variables in a bar form using the command set gxout bar. However GrAds adjust the bars in a "superposed mode" (figure in attach). But I would like to see the bars (black and green) side by side. How can I can do it in GrAds???    


José Augusto P. Veiga, 

Universidade do Estado do Amazonas 
Departamento de Meteorologia
Escola Superior de Tecnologia (EST)
Av. Darcy Vargas, 1200, Manaus-AM Brasil
Work phone:    (92) 3878 4323
Skype: veiga_j.a.p.
CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4027612512091565

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