[gradsusr] Error of "NetCDF: Start+count exceeds dimension"

LANG WANG lang.wang at students.mq.edu.au
Sun Mar 11 22:02:53 EDT 2012

Hi Grads users

When I use the OpenGrads 2.0.1.oga.1 to open the Netcdf file, one problem
stucked me called “gancgrid error: nc_get_vara_double failed; NetCDF:
Start+count exceeds dimension bound”. Could you give me a hand? Thank you
so much in advance! Look forward to your reply.

Here are the detail of the file with error.

ga-> open c:\test_001_ATM.ctl

Scanning description file:  c:\test_001_ATM.ctl

Data file c:\test_001_ATM.nc is open as file 1

LON set to -13.8 41.55

LAT set to 34.79 53.96

LEV set to 25 25

Time values set: 1990:6:1:0 1990:6:1:0

E set to 1 1

ga-> q file

File 1 : ICTP Regional Climatic model V4 ATM outputpdef 62 32 lccr 45.39
13.48 3

1 16 30 60 13.48 60000 60000

  Descriptor: c:\test_001_ATM.ctl

  Binary: c:\test_001_ATM.nc

  Type = Gridded

  Xsize = 206  Ysize = 72  Zsize = 18  Tsize = 21  Esize = 1

  Number of Variables = 15

     xlat  0  y,x  Latitude at cross points (degrees_north)

     xlon  0  y,x  Longitude at cross points (degrees_east)

     topo  0  y,x  Domain surface elevation (m)

     mask  0  y,x  Domain land/ocean mask (1)

     ps  0  t,y,x  Surface pressure (hPa)

     u  18  t,z,y,x  U component (westerly) of wind (m s-1)

     v  18  t,z,y,x  V component (southerly) of wind (m s-1)

     omega  18  t,z,y,x  Pressure velocity (hPa s-1)

     t  18  t,z,y,x  Temperature (K)

     qv  18  t,z,y,x  Water vapor mixing ratio (kg kg-1)

     qc  18  t,z,y,x  Cloud water mixing ratio (kg kg-1)

     tpr  0  t,y,x  Total daily precipitation rate (kg m-2 day-1)

     tgb  0  t,y,x  Lower groud temperature (K)

     swt  0  t,y,x  Total soil water (kg m-2)

     rno  0  t,y,x  Runoff accumulated infiltration (kg m-2 day-1)

ga-> d xlat

gancgrid error: nc_get_vara_double failed; NetCDF: Start+count exceeds


Data Request Error:  Error for variable 'xlat'

  Error ocurred at column 1

DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression

  Expression = xlat

ga-> d qc

gancgrid error: nc_get_vara_double failed; NetCDF: Start+count exceeds


Data Request Error:  Error for variable 'qc'

  Error ocurred at column 1

DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression

  Expression = qc

*The head of the NetCDF file*

netcdf test_001_ATM {


        iy = 32 ;

        jx = 62 ;

        time = UNLIMITED ; // (21 currently)

        kz = 18 ;


        int rcm_map ;

                rcm_map:grid_mapping_name = "lambert_conformal_conic" ;

                rcm_map:grid_size_in_meters = 60000. ;

                rcm_map:latitude_of_projection_origin = 45.39 ;

                rcm_map:longitude_of_projection_origin = 13.48 ;

                rcm_map:longitude_of_central_meridian = 13.48 ;

                rcm_map:standard_parallel = 30.f, 60.f ;

        float sigma(kz) ;

                sigma:standard_name = "atmosphere_sigma_coordinate" ;

                sigma:long_name = "Sigma at model layers" ;

                sigma:units = "1" ;

                sigma:axis = "Z" ;

                sigma:positive = "down" ;

                sigma:formula_terms = "sigma: sigma ps: ps ptop: ptop" ;

        float ptop ;

                ptop:standard_name = "air_pressure" ;

                ptop:long_name = "Pressure at model top" ;

                ptop:units = "hPa" ;

        float iy(iy) ;

                iy:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;

                iy:long_name = "y-coordinate in Cartesian system" ;

                iy:units = "km" ;

        float jx(jx) ;

                jx:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;

                jx:long_name = "x-coordinate in Cartesian system" ;

                jx:units = "km" ;

        float xlat(iy, jx) ;

                xlat:standard_name = "latitude" ;

                xlat:long_name = "Latitude at cross points" ;

                xlat:units = "degrees_north" ;

        float xlon(iy, jx) ;

                xlon:standard_name = "longitude" ;

                xlon:long_name = "Longitude at cross points" ;

                xlon:units = "degrees_east" ;

        float topo(iy, jx) ;

                topo:standard_name = "surface_altitude" ;

                topo:long_name = "Domain surface elevation" ;

                topo:units = "m" ;

                topo:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                topo:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

        float mask(iy, jx) ;

                mask:standard_name = "landmask" ;

                mask:long_name = "Domain land/ocean mask" ;

                mask:units = "1" ;

                mask:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                mask:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

        double time(time) ;

                time:standard_name = "time" ;

                time:long_name = "time" ;

                time:calendar = "standard" ;

                time:units = "hours since 1990-06-01 00:00:00 UTC" ;

        float ps(time, iy, jx) ;

                ps:standard_name = "surface_air_pressure" ;

                ps:long_name = "Surface pressure" ;

                ps:units = "hPa" ;

                ps:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                ps:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

        float u(time, kz, iy, jx) ;

                u:standard_name = "eastward_wind" ;

                u:long_name = "U component (westerly) of wind" ;

                u:units = "m s-1" ;

                u:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                u:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

        float v(time, kz, iy, jx) ;

                v:standard_name = "northward_wind" ;

                v:long_name = "V component (southerly) of wind" ;

                v:units = "m s-1" ;

                v:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                v:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

        float omega(time, kz, iy, jx) ;

                omega:standard_name = "lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure"

                omega:long_name = "Pressure velocity" ;

                omega:units = "hPa s-1" ;

                omega:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                omega:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

        float t(time, kz, iy, jx) ;

                t:standard_name = "air_temperature" ;

                t:long_name = "Temperature" ;

                t:units = "K" ;

                t:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                t:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

        float qv(time, kz, iy, jx) ;

                qv:standard_name = "humidity_mixing_ratio" ;

                qv:long_name = "Water vapor mixing ratio" ;

                qv:units = "kg kg-1" ;

                qv:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                qv:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

        float qc(time, kz, iy, jx) ;

                qc:standard_name = "cloud_liquid_water_mixing_ratio" ;

                qc:long_name = "Cloud water mixing ratio" ;

                qc:units = "kg kg-1" ;

                qc:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                qc:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

        float tpr(time, iy, jx) ;

                tpr:standard_name = "precipitation_flux" ;

                tpr:long_name = "Total daily precipitation rate" ;

                tpr:units = "kg m-2 day-1" ;

                tpr:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                tpr:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

        float tgb(time, iy, jx) ;

                tgb:standard_name = "soil_temperature" ;

                tgb:long_name = "Lower groud temperature" ;

                tgb:units = "K" ;

                tgb:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                tgb:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

        float swt(time, iy, jx) ;

                swt:standard_name = "moisture_content_of_soil_layer" ;

                swt:long_name = "Total soil water" ;

                swt:units = "kg m-2" ;

                swt:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                swt:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

                swt:_FillValue = -1.e+34f ;

        float rno(time, iy, jx) ;

                rno:standard_name = "runoff_flux" ;

                rno:long_name = "Runoff accumulated infiltration" ;

                rno:units = "kg m-2 day-1" ;

                rno:coordinates = "xlat xlon" ;

                rno:grid_mapping = "rcm_map" ;

                rno:_FillValue = -1.e+34f ;

// global attributes:

                :title = "ICTP Regional Climatic model V4 ATM output" ;

                :institution = "ICTP" ;

                :source = "RegCM Model  simulation output" ;

                :Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;

                :history = "2012-02-11 13:21:03 : Created by RegCM model" ;

                :references = "
http://eforge.escience-lab.org/gf/project/regcm" ;

                :experiment = "test_001" ;

                :projection = "LAMCON" ;

                :grid_mapping_name = "lambert_conformal_conic" ;

                :grid_size_in_meters = 60000. ;

                :latitude_of_projection_origin = 45.39 ;

                :longitude_of_projection_origin = 13.48 ;

                :longitude_of_central_meridian = 13.48 ;

                :standard_parallel = 30.f, 60.f ;

                :model_IPCC_scenario = "A1B" ;

                :model_boundary_conditions = "Relaxation, exponential
technique" ;

                :model_cumulous_convection_scheme = "Emanuel (1991)" ;

                :model_boundary_layer_scheme = "Holtslag PBL (Holtslag,
1990)" ;

                :model_moist_physics_scheme = "Explicit moisture (SUBEX;
Pal et al 2000)" ;

                :model_ocean_flux_scheme = "Zeng et al (1998)" ;

                :model_pressure_gradient_force_scheme = "Use full fields" ;

                :model_use_emission_factor = "No" ;

                :model_use_lake_model = "No" ;

                :model_chemistry = "Not active" ;

                :model_diurnal_cycle_sst = "Not active" ;

                :model_seaice_effect = "Not active" ;

                :model_seasonal_desert_albedo_effect = "Active" ;

                :model_simulation_initial_start = 1990060100 ;

                :model_simulation_start = 1990060100 ;

                :model_simulation_expected_end = 1990060600 ;

                :model_simulation_is_a_restart = "No" ;

                :model_timestep_in_seconds = 150. ;

                :model_timestep_in_minutes_solar_rad_calc = 30. ;

                :model_timestep_in_seconds_bats_calc = 600. ;

                :model_timestep_in_hours_radiation_calc = 18. ;

                :model_timestep_in_hours_boundary_input = 6 ;

*Descriptor file*
DSET c:\test_001_ATM.nc
dtype netcdf
undef -1e+34_FillValue
title ICTP Regional Climatic model V4 ATM outputpdef 62 32 lccr 45.39 13.48
31 16 30 60 13.48 60000 60000
XDEF  206 LINEAR  -13.8  0.27
YDEF   72 LINEAR   34.79 0.27
ZDEF   18 levels   25.0   75.0  130.0  195.0  270.0  350.0  430.0  510.0
590.0  670.0  745.0  810.0  865.0  910.0  945.0  970.0  985.0  995.0
TDEF   21 linear 00Z01jun1990    6hrvectorpairs u,v s01u10m,s01v10m
vars   15
xlat=>xlat 0 y,x Latitude at cross points (degrees_north)
xlon=>xlon 0 y,x Longitude at cross points (degrees_east)
topo=>topo 0 y,x Domain surface elevation (m)
mask=>mask 0 y,x Domain land/ocean mask (1)
ps=>ps 0 t,y,x Surface pressure (hPa)
u=>u   18 t,z,y,x U component (westerly) of wind (m s-1)
v=>v   18 t,z,y,x V component (southerly) of wind (m s-1)
omega=>omega   18 t,z,y,x Pressure velocity (hPa s-1)
t=>t   18 t,z,y,x Temperature (K)
qv=>qv   18 t,z,y,x Water vapor mixing ratio (kg kg-1)
qc=>qc   18 t,z,y,x Cloud water mixing ratio (kg kg-1)
tpr=>tpr 0 t,y,x Total daily precipitation rate (kg m-2 day-1)
tgb=>tgb 0 t,y,x Lower groud temperature (K)
swt=>swt 0 t,y,x Total soil water (kg m-2)
rno=>rno 0 t,y,x Runoff accumulated infiltration (kg m-2 day-1)

Thank you so much!

* *


PhD Student
Department of Environment and Geography
Faculty of Science
Macquarie University
NSW 2109

lang.wang at students.mq.edu.au
*http://www.mq.edu.au/* <http://http://www.mq.edu.au/>**

Tel. +61 (0)2 9850 6372

PhD Student
Department of Environment and Geography
Faculty of Science
Macquarie University
NSW 2109

lang.wang at students.mq.edu.au
*http://www.mq.edu.au/* <http://http://www.mq.edu.au/>**

Tel. +61 (0)2 9850 6372
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