[gradsusr] get a syntax error using query w2xy

Kyle Anderson kanderson2572 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 12:26:33 EDT 2012

Thanks Stephen Mc.  That was exactly what the issue was, it is working now.

thanks again,

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Kyle Anderson <kanderson2572 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am just trying to have a map that shows daily precipitation over
> Argentina and also have some red circles to indicate a few station
> locations.  Below I have the script I have been using with only one station
> for the draw mark command but I will be doing this for multiple stations.
>  I did this for a map over North America and everything worked fine.  Now
> trying for argentina I keep getting a syntax error for the line: 'q w2xy
> 'lon1' 'lat1 . As I said this worked fine for North America when I tried
> so not sure if this is something to do with the negative latitude now.
> Thank you for any help you can provide,
> Kyle
> 'open ArgentinaPrecip.ctl'
> *
> 'set display color white'
> 'c'
> *
> 'set grads off'
> 'set gxout shaded'
> 'set csmooth on'
> 'set mpdset hires'
> *
> 'set cmin 0.01'
> 'd apcpsfc'
> *
> 'draw title Daily Accumulated Precipitation (mm)'
> *
> 'set line 2'
> *
> style=3
> size=0.03
> *
> *Introduces world Coordinates
> lon1 =292
> lat1 =-35
> *Converts world coords to XY coords it will be recalculated each time the
> map changes
> 'q w2xy 'lon1' 'lat1
> say result
> *Loads the XY coords in x1 and y1
> x1 = subwrd(result,3)
> y1 = subwrd(result,6)
> *Draws a marker at x1 y1 position with selected size
> 'draw mark 'style' 'x1' 'y1' 'size
> *
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