[gradsusr] creating ctl files

Antoine Molin amolin at plenr.fr
Wed Jul 4 11:19:08 EDT 2012



Well, i don’t know the perl language !


I tried changing the path, working  in local, but it is not that ;  looking
at Grads User’s guide,
http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/descriptorfile.html#VARS, it could be the
format of the variable records ;


>From grib2scan –V :   parameter : disc, cat, num=0,2,3 and ltype, lval :
103, 1 e-129

>From gribmap –V : lev1=103,10   var=0,2,2  


I tried both (see « cfsr5.ctl » for example) ; the .idx is well created ,
but the UGRD & VGRD data are still false (« -9.99 E+0.8 »).


Well, have i to learn Perl ??  any other solution ?


Is gribmap working with grib2 files ?






De : grads [mailto:grads at weatherbadger.com] 
Envoyé : mercredi 4 juillet 2012 13:09
À : GrADS Users Forum
Cc : Antoine Molin
Objet : Re: [gradsusr] creating ctl files


Getting grib2ctl working: I find the Perl script grib2ctl.pl works fine with
Install Perl - or make sure it's in the $PATH
Then "Perl grib2ctl.pl...." 

Actually... I think I had to comment out the line "use POSIX;" and/or "use
Math::Trig qw(deg2rad rad2deg);" to make the Perl script work on my windows

Looking at your ctl file, the full paths
C:\OpenGrADS\CFSR\datafiles\wnd10mx0.5.cdas1.201104.grb2 may cause problems.
Grads in Windows doesn't like back slashes "\" with directory references.
Try ^wnd10mx0.5.cdas1.201104.grb2 or replacing the filepath back slashes to
forward slashes "/"...


On 02/07/12 14:36, Antoine Molin wrote:

Good morning,


I am trying to create a ctl file for grb2 files, and it doesn’t work ; see
enclosed the grb2 file and my creation


Well, could you tell me where i could find a grib2ctl.exe under windows ?  i
am using the grads-2.0.1.oga.1-win32_superpack.

If this grib2ctl.exe doesn’t exist under windows, could you please tell me
what is wrong with my .ctl ?

In fact, i can create the .idx with gribmap, but all my data are false

THanks a lot.



Antoine Molin

Etudes de vent PlenR

Tel : 03 20 47 99 76


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