[gradsusr] ERA-40 NC template

Ricardo Hallak hallak at model.iag.usp.br
Tue Feb 14 08:37:32 EST 2012

Dear Jose,

there is something strange in your figures. Looking at them more closely, the
"original" figure shows zonal wind correctly. However, when you use template,
your figure for zonal wind shows values like -10.000, -5.000, or 1.000, 5.000,
etc. There is no variable in your .ctl file which could reach such range.

Could you, if possible, send me one of you nc files? Please, send it directly
to my e-mail, to avoid unnecessary traffic in the internet.


On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 22:31:51 -0200, Jose Augusto Paixão Veiga wrote
> Dear users,
> I have downloaded several data from ERA-40 in netcdf format and I 
> would like to read them into one CTL file with the command template 
> (bellow).
> dset ^data_%y4.nc
> title ECMWF ERA-40 2.5 x 2.5 
> undef -9.99e+33
> options template
> dtype netcdf
> xdef 144 linear   0.0 2.5
> ydef  73 linear -90.0 2.5
> zdef 13 levels 1000 925 850 775 700 600 500 400 300 250 200 150 100
> tdef 36 linear 00Z01JAN1979 1mo
> vars  5
> t=>t  13  t,z,y,x  Temperature
> u=>u  13  t,z,y,x  U velocity
> v=>v  13  t,z,y,x  V velocity
> w=>w  13  t,z,y,x  Vertical velocity
> z=>z  13  t,z,y,x  Geopotential
> endvars
> However, when I display the variable uwnd (or other one) the map 
> shows another field (field.gif), differently from the original one 
> (original.gif)
> What could be the problem with this CTL template?
> Thanks in advance.
> José Augusto P. Veiga,
> ======================================
> Universidade do Estado do Amazonas 
> Departamento de Meteorologia
> Escola Superior de Tecnologia (EST)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Av. Darcy Vargas, 1200, Manaus-AM Brasil
> Work phone:    (92) 3878 4333
> Skype: veiga_j.a.p.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4027612512091565
> URL:http://scientificmet.wordpress.com/
> http://nmet.wordpress.com/
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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