[gradsusr] grads-2.0.a8.oga.1 installing

Kouakou Kouadio kouekkd at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 05:45:14 EDT 2012

Dear Users,

I'm trying to install grads-2.0.a8.oga.1 on my laptop.
 I respect the different instructions. I use suse 12.1.
When i execute grads i met the following message:

grads: missing required directory
</opt/opengrads/Linux/i686>      --->
  at /opt/opengrads/grads line 157.

In the /opt/opengrads/Linux/ directory i can't found the file i686 but i
met  x86_64\@..

I don't now what i can do.
Please give me any proposition to resolve this problem.

Thanks in advance.

Kouadio Kouakou

Doctorant au Laboratoire Lapa-MF (Université de Cocody Abidjan)
Côte d'Ivoire.

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