[gradsusr] reading NCAR .nc files
Alan Robock
robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
Thu Oct 20 13:27:07 EDT 2011
Dear All,
I have run an NCAR GCM, and want to read the output with GrADS. When I
tried, I got:
Config: v2.0.a9 little-endian readline printim grib2 netcdf hdf4-sds
hdf5 opendap-grids,stn geotiff shapefile
Issue 'q config' command for more detailed configuration information
Landscape mode? ('n' for portrait):
GX Package Initialization: Size = 11 8.5
ga-> sdfopen mycase.5.cam2.h1.1902-01-01-00000.nc
Scanning self-describing file: mycase.5.cam2.h1.1902-01-01-00000.nc
SDF Error: 365 day calendars are no longer supported by sdfopen.
To open this file with GrADS, use a descriptor file with
a complete TDEF entry and OPTIONS 365_day_calendar.
Documentation is at http://iges.org/grads/gadoc/SDFdescriptorfile.html
I can try to figure out how detailed a data descriptor file to write on
my own, but if someone has already done this, could you send it to me?
I want to find out if I need only TDEF and OPTIONS, or do I need to make
it complete with all the dimensions and variables.
Also, once I create the .ddf file, do I use sdfopen, xdfopen, or open?
ncdump gives me:
/ptmp/robock/archive/mycase.5/atm/hist|32> ncdump
netcdf mycase.5.cam2.h1.1902-01-01-00000 { // format variant: 64bit
lat = 192 ;
lon = 288 ;
slat = 191 ;
slon = 288 ;
lev = 26 ;
ilev = 27 ;
isccp_prs = 7 ;
isccp_tau = 7 ;
isccp_prstau = 49 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (365 currently)
tbnd = 2 ;
chars = 8 ;
double P0 ;
P0:long_name = "reference pressure" ;
P0:units = "Pa" ;
double lat(lat) ;
lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
double slat(slat) ;
slat:long_name = "staggered latitude" ;
slat:units = "degrees_north" ;
double slon(slon) ;
slon:long_name = "staggered longitude" ;
slon:units = "degrees_east" ;
double w_stag(slat) ;
w_stag:long_name = "staggered latitude weights" ;
double lev(lev) ;
lev:long_name = "hybrid level at midpoints (1000*(A+B))" ;
lev:units = "level" ;
lev:positive = "down" ;
lev:standard_name =
"atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate" ;
lev:formula_terms = "a: hyam b: hybm p0: P0 ps: PS" ;
double ilev(ilev) ;
ilev:long_name = "hybrid level at interfaces
(1000*(A+B))" ;
ilev:units = "level" ;
ilev:positive = "down" ;
ilev:standard_name =
"atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate" ;
ilev:formula_terms = "a: hyai b: hybi p0: P0 ps: PS" ;
double isccp_prs(isccp_prs) ;
isccp_prs:long_name = "Mean ISCCP pressure" ;
isccp_prs:units = "mb" ;
isccp_prs:isccp_prs_bnds = 0., 180., 310., 440., 560.,
680., 800., 1000. ;
double isccp_tau(isccp_tau) ;
isccp_tau:long_name = "Mean ISCCP optical depth" ;
isccp_tau:units = "unitless" ;
isccp_tau:isccp_tau_bnds = 0., 0.3, 1.3, 3.6, 9.4, 23.,
60., 379. ;
double isccp_prstau(isccp_prstau) ;
isccp_prstau:long_name = "Mean pressure (mb).mean
optical depth (unitless)/1000" ;
isccp_prstau:units = "mixed" ;
double time(time) ;
time:long_name = "time" ;
time:units = "days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00" ;
time:calendar = "noleap" ;
time:bounds = "time_bnds" ;
double time_bnds(time, tbnd) ;
time_bnds:long_name = "time interval endpoints" ;
char date_written(time, chars) ;
char time_written(time, chars) ;
int ntrm ;
ntrm:long_name = "spectral truncation parameter M" ;
int ntrn ;
ntrn:long_name = "spectral truncation parameter N" ;
int ntrk ;
ntrk:long_name = "spectral truncation parameter K" ;
int ndbase ;
ndbase:long_name = "base day" ;
int nsbase ;
nsbase:long_name = "seconds of base day" ;
int nbdate ;
nbdate:long_name = "base date (YYYYMMDD)" ;
int nbsec ;
nbsec:long_name = "seconds of base date" ;
int mdt ;
mdt:long_name = "timestep" ;
mdt:units = "s" ;
int nlon(lat) ;
nlon:long_name = "number of longitudes" ;
int wnummax(lat) ;
wnummax:long_name = "cutoff Fourier wavenumber" ;
double hyai(ilev) ;
hyai:long_name = "hybrid A coefficient at layer
interfaces" ;
double hybi(ilev) ;
hybi:long_name = "hybrid B coefficient at layer
interfaces" ;
double hyam(lev) ;
hyam:long_name = "hybrid A coefficient at layer
midpoints" ;
double hybm(lev) ;
hybm:long_name = "hybrid B coefficient at layer
midpoints" ;
double gw(lat) ;
gw:long_name = "gauss weights" ;
int ndcur(time) ;
ndcur:long_name = "current day (from base day)" ;
int nscur(time) ;
nscur:long_name = "current seconds of current day" ;
int date(time) ;
date:long_name = "current date (YYYYMMDD)" ;
double co2vmr(time) ;
co2vmr:long_name = "co2 volume mixing ratio" ;
double ch4vmr(time) ;
ch4vmr:long_name = "ch4 volume mixing ratio" ;
double n2ovmr(time) ;
n2ovmr:long_name = "n2o volume mixing ratio" ;
double f11vmr(time) ;
f11vmr:long_name = "f11 volume mixing ratio" ;
double f12vmr(time) ;
f12vmr:long_name = "f12 volume mixing ratio" ;
double sol_tsi(time) ;
sol_tsi:long_name = "total solar irradiance" ;
sol_tsi:units = "W/m2" ;
int datesec(time) ;
datesec:long_name = "current seconds of current date" ;
int nsteph(time) ;
nsteph:long_name = "current timestep" ;
float MSKtem(time, lat, lon) ;
MSKtem:units = "unitless" ;
MSKtem:long_name = "TEM mask" ;
MSKtem:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
float PRECC(time, lat, lon) ;
PRECC:units = "m/s" ;
PRECC:long_name = "Convective precipitation rate (liq +
ice)" ;
PRECC:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
float PRECL(time, lat, lon) ;
PRECL:units = "m/s" ;
PRECL:long_name = "Large-scale (stable) precipitation
rate (liq + ice)" ;
PRECL:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
float PSL(time, lat, lon) ;
PSL:units = "Pa" ;
PSL:long_name = "Sea level pressure" ;
PSL:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
float TREFHT(time, lat, lon) ;
TREFHT:units = "K" ;
TREFHT:long_name = "Reference height temperature" ;
TREFHT:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
float TREFHTMN(time, lat, lon) ;
TREFHTMN:units = "K" ;
TREFHTMN:long_name = "Minimum reference height
temperature over output period" ;
TREFHTMN:cell_methods = "time: minimum" ;
float TREFHTMX(time, lat, lon) ;
TREFHTMX:units = "K" ;
TREFHTMX:long_name = "Maximum reference height
temperature over output period" ;
TREFHTMX:cell_methods = "time: maximum" ;
float UV2d(time, lat, lon) ;
UV2d:units = "M2/S2" ;
UV2d:long_name = "Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum: 2D
prj of zon. mean" ;
UV2d:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
float UW2d(time, lat, lon) ;
UW2d:units = "M2/S2" ;
UW2d:long_name = "Vertical Flux of Zonal Momentum; 2D
prj of zon. mean" ;
UW2d:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
float VTH2d(time, lat, lon) ;
VTH2d:units = "MK/S" ;
VTH2d:long_name = "Meridional Heat Flux: 2D prj of zon.
mean" ;
VTH2d:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
float WTH2d(time, lat, lon) ;
WTH2d:units = "MK/S" ;
WTH2d:long_name = "Vertical Heat Flux: 2D prj of zon.
mean" ;
WTH2d:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
:source = "CAM" ;
:case = "mycase.5" ;
:title = "UNSET" ;
:logname = "robock" ;
:host = "be0501en.ucar.ed" ;
:Version = "$Name$" ;
:revision_Id = "$Id$" ;
:initial_file =
"b40.lgm21ka.1deg.003.cam2.i.1900-01-01-00000.nc" ;
:topography_file =
[On sabbatical for current academic year, and currently at NCAR.
The best way to contact me is by email, robock at envsci.rutgers.edu, or
at 732-881-1610 (cell) or 303-497-1399 (work).]
Alan Robock, Professor II (Distinguished Professor)
Editor, Reviews of Geophysics
Director, Meteorology Undergraduate Program
Associate Director, Center for Environmental Prediction
Department of Environmental Sciences Phone: +1-732-932-9800 x6222
Rutgers University Fax: +1-732-932-8644
14 College Farm Road E-mail: robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551 USA http://envsci.rutgers.edu/~robock
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