[gradsusr] .he5 format descriptor file
Jennifer Adams
jma at cola.iges.org
Tue Oct 4 10:16:15 EDT 2011
Hi, Jonathan --
GrADS should be able to read your .he5 file if it contains gridded
data. The file naming convention is unconventional, and it is not
immediately apparent to me what the two date strings mean. Your best
bet may be to use chsub to map complete filenames to the time steps
they contain, something like :
dset /Users/jonathanwsmith/DATA/OMI_DOMINO_NO2/FIRST_LEG/%ch
chsub 1 XX OMI-Aura_L2-OMDOMINO_2006m0522t0926-
...where XX is the number of time steps in your file.
The smallest time increment GrADS will handle is minutes, so a TDEF
for this file might be:
tdef XX linear 09:26z22may2006 1mn
... assuming that "2006m0522t0926" represents the initial time in the
file. It's difficult to help any further without knowing more about
what's in your file and what the naming convention means.
On Oct 3, 2011, at 5:20 PM, SMITH, JONATHAN WYNN. (GSFC-6140) wrote:
> Hello:
> I was attempting to set up a descriptor file for following he5 file:
> OMI-Aura_L2-OMDOMINO_2006m0522t0926-o09846_v003-2010m1007t075325.he5
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Here is the descriptor file I’ve started:
> dset /Users/jonathanwsmith/DATA/OMI_DOMINO_NO2/FIRST_LEG/OMI-Aura_L2-
> OMDOMINO_%y4m%m2%d2t%h2%n2-o10074_v003-%y4m%m2%d2t%h2%n256.he5
> chsub
> options template
> undef -9999
> dtype hdf5_grid
> xdef 360 linear -180 1
> ydef 180 linear -90 1
> zdef 1 linear 1 1
> tdef 3 LINEAR 07JUN2006 1dy
> vars 2
> Tropospheric~Vertical~Column=>tvono2 0 y,x
> Tropospheric_Vertical_Column
> Averaging~Kernal=>avgk 0 y,x Averaging_Kernal
> endvars
> From this I am wondering what dset template would represent the
> 10074. There is also no template for seconds ( the 2 numbers before
> the .he5)
> Do I need the chsub?
> Will grads work with .he5 files?
> Thanks
> Jonathan Wynn Smith
> Student Trainee
> jonathan.smith at nasa.gov
> NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
> Code 613.3-Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch
> Greenbelt, MD 20771
> 301-614-5956
> Doctoral Candidate
> jonathan.smith at bison.howard.edu
> Howard University Program in Atmospheric Sciences
> 2355 6th St NW/408 Thirkield Bldg.
> Washington, DC 20059
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Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at cola.iges.org
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