[gradsusr] Compiling Wgrib2

Anil acharya acharya_anil at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 16 18:25:37 EST 2011

I downloaded the wgrib2 (zipped file) from the link http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/wesley/wgrib2/ to run g2ctl command in GRADS. It does not seem to be straight forward to make executable file wgrib2.exe.

Can anyone tell me where do I need to copy this downloaded folder, unzip it, and how to compile it to run g2ctl command? I am using Linux operating system.   

There are some precompiled codes (from external site) in the same site, but I was not able to figure out their use too (where to copy and how to proceed). 

Anil Acharya 
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