[gradsusr] How to save an animation

Bob Kuligowski Bob.Kuligowski at noaa.gov
Tue Nov 15 15:02:35 EST 2011


    You can also use the linux 'convert' command:

convert source*.gif -loop LL -delay DD loopimage.gif

source*.gif is the list of source images (the downside is they will be
used in the order in which they appear in ls)
LL is the number of times you want the image to loop
DD is the delay in milliseconds (though I can never get a long enough delay)
loopimage.gif is the resulting .gif loop.

    In either case, you will still need to create separate individual
.gif images in GrADS.


> I made several animations, but using external utilities such as
> gifsicle or GIMP to put several GIF images together into an animated
> GIF.  I believe both of those utilities are open-source or free to
> obtain.  gifsicle is quite simple, too.  If you go that route, you
> just need to write a grads script that makes each of the individual
> images.
> Jeff Duda
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 1:38 PM, hersala <hersala at gmail.com
> <mailto:hersala at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Dear GrADS users
>     Can someone tell me how can I save an animation created with GrADS
>     with the aim of pasting it in a slide presentation.
>     Thank you in advance.
>     Hernán
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> Jeff Duda
> Grad student - PhD, Meteorology
> University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology - Center for Analysis and
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Bob Kuligowski, Ph.D.
NOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)

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