[gradsusr] Lats4d

Jennifer Adams jma at cola.iges.org
Tue Nov 15 11:48:51 EST 2011

GrADS could really benefit from being able to write out grib2. The tricky parts would be populating all the metadata properly, which is not easy, and designing a good user interface for controlling all the metadata options. 

On Nov 15, 2011, at 10:35 AM, Wesley Ebisuzaki wrote:

> I would make a grib2 file.  (Directly from GrADS?  Convert from grib1 -> 
> grib2?)
> wgrib2 can change the various parameters by
>      wgrib2 IN.grb -set center C -set subcenter S  -set  
> analysis_or_forecast_process_id P -set table_3.4 SCAN -grib OUT.grb
> C=center number
> S=subcenter number
> P=process id
> SCAN=scan parameter
> Finally I would say, "Grib1 is obsolete, you are getting a grib2 file.  
> Deal with it!"
> * I am not sure whether cnvgrib will handle files with center != NCEP *
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Alternatively I would modify a short C program (see 
> ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/wd51we/grib_fixers)
> to change the various parameters.
> If the tools were already installed and grib2 output were acceptable, I 
> would use the first procedure.
> If I knew C and grib1, the second method were be better.
>           Wesley
> Arlindo da Silva wrote:
>> 2011/11/14 Дарья <darik777 at i.ua <mailto:darik777 at i.ua>>
>>    According to wgrib .grb file created by  lats4d command has the
>>    following structure
>>    rec 1:0:date 2007081500 TMP kpds5=11 kpds6=1 kpds7=0 levels=(0,0)
>>    grid=255 sfc anl:
>>     TMP=Temp. [K]
>>     timerange 0 P1 0 P2 0 TimeU 1  nx 209 ny 139 GDS grid 0
>>    num_in_ave 0 missing
>>    0
>>     center 100 subcenter 2 process 13 Table 128
>>     latlon: lat  37.788000 to 48.977000 by 0.081000  nxny 29051
>>             long 21.610000 to 38.475000 by 0.081000, (209 x 139) scan
>>    2 mode 128 bdsgrid 1
>>     min/max data 271.97 300.67  num bits 9  BDS_Ref 2719.7  DecScale
>>    1 BinScale 0
>>    However, I need to change some parameters of the grb file:
>>    "grid" (from 255 to 3)
>>    "center" (from 100 to 7)
>>    "subcenter" (from 2 to 0)
>>     "process" (from 13 to 82)
>>    "scan" (from 2 to 0)
>>    Is there any way to do it by lats4d command?
>> You can control some of the details of the grib-1 file with a lats 
>> parameter table, see the lats4d documentation (with "lats4d.sh -h"). 
>> When a parameter table it is not specified, lats4d creates one for you 
>> on the fly. Look for file .grads.lats.table on the directory you ran 
>> lats4d from. Rename this file and edit it by hand. However, not 
>> everything can be customized this way. 
>> Wes, the resident GRIB wizard,  may be able to suggest some wgrib 
>> trick for doing this.
>>     Arlindo
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>> Arlindo da Silva
>> dasilva at alum.mit.edu <mailto:dasilva at alum.mit.edu>
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Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at cola.iges.org

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