[gradsusr] BUFR station data

Mark J. Dempsey mdempse at hunter.cuny.edu
Fri May 20 20:57:00 EDT 2011

Hi all,
I have a question about BUFR station data. Do I have to run the stnmap  
utility on my BUFR descriptor file?
My descriptor file looks like this:

DSET ^../5900.20040601.surface
TITLE Station surface data
UNDEF -99999
STID 1,2
XVAR 6,2
YVAR 5,2
ZVAR 7,1
TVAR yr 4,1 mo 4,2 dy 4,3 hr 4,4 mn 4,5
TDEF 24 LINEAR 00Z31may2004 1hr
stid 0 1,2 WMO station ID
tsig 0 8,21 Time significance
tdispl 0 4,0 Time period or displacement
wspd 0 11,2 Wind speed
wdir 0 11,1 Wind direction (degree true)
ps 0 10,4 pressure
slp 0 10, 51 pressure reduced to mean sea level
ts 0 12,1 Temperature/Air temperature
rh 0 13,3 Relative humidity
p 0 13,14 Rainfall/water equivalent of snow

I'm still pretty new to GRADS. I wonder if anyone knows of a tutorial  
out there that works with BUFR Station data? It would be helpful to  
see some examples that people have worked with. I'd like to practice  
working with station data. Thanks in advance for any help.
kind regards,
Mark J. Dempsey

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