[gradsusr] merge files

Djordje Romanic djordje8 at gmail.com
Tue May 10 13:44:17 EDT 2011


My files in question are *.grd and OS is Windows XP (I am using both GrADS
and FORTRAN versions for Windows). I thought that it is possible in GrADS,
but now I am not so sure.


2011/5/10 saeed bayat <saeedbayat7276 at gmail.com>

> Hi Djordie
> You can use NCO(ncks), in Linux environment to merge .nc files.
> Yours faithfully
> Saeed Bayat
> M.Sc student of climatology
> Ferdowsi university of Mashhad(Iran)
> saeedbayat7276 at gmail.com
>   On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Djordje Romanic <djordje8 at gmail.com>wrote:
>>   Dear users,
>> I have two files and both have the same variable, latitude dimension, one
>> vertical level and the same time dimension; only the longitude dimensions
>> are different. In the frst file, the longitude goes from -30 to 257.5 (lon
>> increment is 2.5 deg) and in the second, the longitude goes from 0 to 60
>> (lon increment is 2.5 deg). What I need is to make one file with lon from
>> -30 to 60, i.e to merge them. Is it possible in GrADS and how? Is it maybe
>> possible with FORTRAN?
>> Regards,
>> Djordje
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