[gradsusr] station data

Filipa Varino filipavarino at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 11:46:37 EDT 2011


I'm new grads user and i'm having problems with station data.

i've created a .txt data with year month day station name and data
value(precipitation) for 16 stations during 123 days
 1876  10   1  PPP   41.2  -8.6     0
 1876  10   1  GGG   40.5  -7.2   0.4
 1876  10   1  CMM   39.0  -7.0     0
 1876  10   1  EEE   38.6  -7.9     0
 1876  10   1  LLL   37.1  -8.6     0
 1876  10   1  AHH   38.7 -27.2  17.6
 1876  10   1  PDD   37.8 -25.7  19.3
 1876  10   1  FFF   32.6 -16.9   1.6
 1876  10   1  LLL   38.7  -9.1     0
 1876  10   1  CCC   36.5  -6.3     0
 1876  10   1  BBB   38.9  -7.0     0
i've used the fortran code from here
http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/aboutstationdata.html  addapted for my .txt

and created the .ctl file
DSET   C:\DISASTER\20CRen\dez_1876\dados\estacoes \stat.dat
TITLE  station data
DTYPE  station
STNMAP C:\DISASTER\20CRen\dez_1876\dados\estacoes\stat.map
UNDEF   -999.
options sequential
TDEF    123 LINEAR 1OCT1876 1dy
VARS    1
prec   0   99   pprecipitation

when i run stnmap -i stat.ctl in command line i have de error:

Processing time step 1
Invalid sation hdr found in station binary file
possible causes: invalid level count in hdr
                         descriptor file mismatch
                         file not station data
                         invalid relative time
                         invalid sequential format
levs = 256 flag 26312 time 3.5872e-43

Could someone help me please?!!
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