[gradsusr] Skip stations when plotting station data

Jennifer Adams jma at cola.iges.org
Thu Jan 20 10:16:09 EST 2011

Brian Doty has solved this problem with a C program that creates a  
'filt' variable for the surface metars. The code does the following:
1) Assigns priorities to each report that are based on a combination  
of the number of variables available and the intensity of precipitation
2) Filters out observations at a particular radius: first pass based  
on priority, subsequent passes based on proximity to other obs.
3) All the obs are then written out with an extra data variable,  
called 'filt', that you can use when drawing. The filt variable ranges  
between 1 and 6.

For example,
'open  http://monsoondata.org:9090/dods/stn/metar/past48'
'set gxout stnmark'
'set lat 25 50'
'set lon -125 -65'
'd maskout(ts,filt-4)'   ;* draws fewer obs
'd maskout(ts,filt-2);   ;* draws more obs

We use Brian's code operationally at COLA (for the real time metars  
behind our GDS) but cannot support it beyond that. Please write to me  
offline if you would like a copy.

On Jan 19, 2011, at 10:39 AM, Joralf Quist wrote:

> Dear Grads Users,
> I'm currently working with some station data. I would like to skip a  
> number of stations, because they are too close to each other. The  
> numbers overlap and the plot is now pretty much unreadable. I was  
> unable to find any suggestions on how to do this. Hopefully someone  
> here can send me in the right direction.
> Thanks a lot!
> Joralf
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Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at cola.iges.org

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