[gradsusr] temporal correlation

Ismaila Diallo ismailadiallo64 at yahoo.fr
Mon Feb 14 10:01:29 EST 2011

Dear Jenifer and Grads user's:

the data (rt.1 and rt.2) have the same time axis (but the resolution is 
different) and i've set the time too before invoking the tcorr but until know. 
something is wrong (perhaps) in my script.  

Please find there again my script and the error report:
sdfopen /home/lpaosf/izo_moctar/regcm_2005.nc
sdfopen /home/lpaosf/izo_moctar/gpcp_2005.nc
q file 1
q file 2
set grads off
set grid off
set map 1 1 8
set display color white
set xlopts 1 6 0.18
set ylopts 1 6 0.18
set map 1 1 8
set clopts -1 -1 0.18
set font 4
set z 1
set vpage 0.5 5.2 4.4 8.4
set vrange 0 80
set dfile 1
set lon -17.5
set lat 14.73
set z 1

set tlsupp year
set rgb 19 0 60 0
set ccolor 19
set cmark 0
set line 2
set t 151 273
d rt.1

set dfile 2
set lon -17.5
set lat 14.73
set z 1
set cmark 1
set line 1
set rgb 20 0 150 0
set ccolor 20
set t 151 273
d rt.2
set t 151
define cc=tcorr(rt.2, rt.1, t=151, t=273)
d  cc

this script seems good for me but when i run it i get the same error:
ime values set: 2005:5:31:12 2005:5:31:12 
define cc=tcorr(rt.2, rt.1, t=151, t=273)
TCORR:  dim = 3, start = 151, end = 273
Data Request Error: Invalid grid coordinates
  World coordinates convert to non-integer  grid coordinates
    Variable = rt.1  Dimension = 0 
Error from TCORR:  Error getting grids
Operation Error:  Error from tcorr function
  Error ocurred at column 1
DEFINE error:  Invalid expression. 
EXEC error:  error in atrib_station2005.  EXEC stopped.

So i don't know what's wrong if you have another idea please help me.

Thank in advance 

From: Kyozo Ueyoshi <kueyoshi at gmail.com>
To: Ismaila Diallo <ismailadiallo64 at yahoo.fr>
Sent: Fri, February 11, 2011 7:28:39 PM
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] temporal correlation


Does your expr1 depend on time only? It shouldn't vary in x or y.
I hope this helps.

tcorr (expr1, expr2, tdim1, tdim2) 
This function produces a spatial map of temporal correlation coefficients. 
expr1   -  a valid GrADS expression that varies in time
expr2   -  a valid GrADS expression that varies in time and may also vary in X 
and Y
tdim1   -  starting time dimension expression 
tdim2   -  ending time dimension expression

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 10:45 AM, Ismaila Diallo <ismailadiallo64 at yahoo.fr> 

>i have model and observation data and i want to calculate the temporal
>correlation between these variables. i use grads version Version 2.0.a7: I try
>this command: tcorr(aa,bb,t=t1,t=t2)
>like the following script
>define aa=pr.1
>define bb=pr.2
>define cc=tcorr(aa,bb,t=151,t=273)
>d cc
>therefore i get this error:
>define r1=tcorr(aa,bb,t=151,t=273)
>TCORR:  dim = 3, start = 151, end = 273
>Data Request Error: Invalid grid coordinates
> World coordinates convert to non-integer  grid coordinates
>   Variable = aa  Dimension = 3
>Error from TCORR:  Error getting grids
>Operation Error:  Error from tcorr function
> Error ocurred at column 1
>DEFINE error:  Invalid expression.
>Since a week i posted this difficult but until now i didn't receive help from
>grads forum so i need your help and
>All comment are welcome.
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