[gradsusr] Temperature output in WRF model

Eric Altshuler ela at cola.iges.org
Thu Dec 8 13:40:09 EST 2011

Dear Roopa,

The correct procedure is:

theta = T + 300
ptot = PB + P (total pressure = base pressure PB + perturbation pressure P)
temp = theta*(ptot/1000)^(2/7)

You need to use 1000 mb instead of surface pressure.

Also realize that you'll be looking at temperature on a hybrid vertical coordinate surface, not pressure or height levels.

Best regards,

Eric L. Altshuler
Assistant Research Scientist
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705-3106

E-mail: ela at cola.iges.org
Phone: (301) 902-1257
Fax: (301) 595-9793

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roopashree Shrivastava" <rss1901 at gmail.com>
To: gradsusr at gradsusr.org, "jagabandhu panda" <jagabandhu at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2011 8:05:01 AM
Subject: [gradsusr] Temperature output in WRF model

Hello Everybody, 
I think this question is not suited for the Grads forum however I am still posting it. 

I am looking at WRF o/p without converting to Grads format (This is basically to conserve disk space) 

The manual says that the total potential temperature in K is T + 300 (K). Apparently there is temperature is not output directly by WRF (maybe i m wrong but didnt find this variable in the WRF o/p netcdf file). I think temperature is available as a Grads / NCL / Vis5d diagnostic o/p. 

>From potential temperature I can convert to temperature using the pressure at that height and surface pressure at that location (i.e. Poisson's eqn). 

Please let me know if this approach is correct and/or there is any other method of doing it 

Thanking you all 
Warm Regards 

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