[gradsusr] (no subject)

Maria Elena Segura segmalena at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Aug 17 14:32:14 EDT 2011

Similar to you
you can use if you want  bidimensinal to separate diferent month . Your varibles will be 
temp (i,j) and read with a do us
do i= 1,n
do j=1,m
and write  
write(2)  ((year(i),month(i),Stid(i),Lat(i),Lon(i),RaiN(i)),i=1,9),j=1,12)

open (1,file="datascii.dat") 
      open (2,file="datbinary",form="unformatted")
            do 17 i=1,9
14     format(i4,1x,i1,1x,a3,1x,F4.1,1x,F4.1,2x,5.1)
17     continue  
'    if you want one to one 
'    if you want all together put firts
17   continue 
'      and then    
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