[gradsusr] count number of files, interact with shell,

Becker, Bernd bernd.becker at metoffice.gov.uk
Tue Aug 23 11:10:10 EDT 2011

* dear grads user,

* how can I get the number of files with the extension .gs
* into the local grads variable nfiles?

* got it now; closing the file to rewind it helps a lot. Yet:

     '@ !ls -l *.gs | wc -l'
     nfiles= subwrd(res,1)
     say 'nfiles= '  nfiles

     '@ !export nfiles=`ls -l *.gs | wc -l`'
     'getenv nfiles'
     say 'nfiles= '  nfiles

     '@ !ls -l *.gs | wc -l > ./erp$$'
      say result
      filename = subwrd(result,8)
      say 'filename = ' filename
      record2  = read  (filename)
      say record2
      nfiles   = sublin(record2,2)
     say 'nfiles= '  nfiles
     say ' '
     say ' fine! but in a loop:'
     say ' '
      pop =1 
while ( pop < 5)
     '@ !ls -l *.gs | wc -l > ./erp$$'
      say result
      filename = subwrd(result,8)
      say 'filename = ' filename
      record2  = read  (filename)
      say record2
      nfiles   = sublin(record2,2)
     say 'nfiles= '  nfiles
* close the file to rewind it!
      close( filename)
  pop =pop +1

say " is there no better way to do this sort of thing?"

* thanks for all your help.
* Bernd.
Bernd Becker   Climate Impacts Product Development
Met Office Hadley Centre    FitzRoy Road  Exeter   Devon EX1 3PB  United
Tel.: +44 (0) 1392 884511 Fax: +44 (0)870 900 5050
E-mail:bernd.becker at metoffice.gov.uk -

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