[gradsusr] Problems with wgrib2.exe : No output 0k file

Wesley Ebisuzaki Wesley.Ebisuzaki at noaa.gov
Wed Sep 8 16:17:27 EDT 2010


   Support of Windows is a bit weak because most of the development
takes place on unix or unix-like machines.  I don't use Windows at
work and the rare times that I do try it, everything works.  Of course,
I am only using cygwin software which explains why everything works.

1) To test wgrib2

    wgrib2   GRIB2_FILE

If you don't see an inventory, you need to fix wgrib2

2) To test g2ctl.pl

   perl g2ctl GRIB2_FILE > GRIB2.ctl

If you see "Big Problem" then,

  (a) wgrib2 is not on your path or you are using a broken wgrib2.
       Change the program g2ctl, so it uses a the right version.
                            $wgrib2='wgrib2';           <- line in g2ctl 
- change to the appropriate location

   (b)  GRIB2_FILE is not a grib2 file.

      To check:   wgrib2 GRIB2_FILE
      should produce a listing of the variables in the grib file

  (c) g2ctl has to create a temporary file.  Maybe the directory is 
full, protected or the environment
   variables haven't be set.  To fix it, you will have to modify the 
g2ctl code with a text editor.
  (Maybe the perl that you are using defines the operating system 
something other than MSWin32.)

> if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
> #   $ListA="c:\\g$$.tmp";
>    $ListA="$ENV{TEMP}\\g$$.tmp";
> #   $TmpFile="c:\\h$$.tmp";
>    $TmpFile="NUL";
> #   unlink ($ListA, $TmpFile);
>    unlink $ListA;
>    $sys="win";
> }
> else {
>    $ListA="/tmp/g$$.tmp";
>    $TmpFile="/dev/null";
>    unlink $ListA;
>    $sys="unix";
> }
  (d) Maybe the GRIB2 file has a funny name.  For example, linux will 
allow names such as


but not all versions of Windows or windows software.  Try renaming the 
file to a simple name.

   (e)  Try using the perl that comes with cygwin.

  (f) install linux

        Wesley Ebisuzaki

pierre.lacombe at mddep.gouv.qc.ca wrote:
> I am a user of Windows XP.
> We are currently using grib1 format and it work perfectly.
> I am trying to use the grib2 format  with the forcast at the site 
> http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/data/gfs-avn-hi/
> I am able to download these files with wget without difficulties.
> Then I use perl with the programme file g2clt and then i am unable to 
> obtain a ctl files.
> When i analyse the g2ctl file i find that the wgrib2.exe executable is 
> making an output as 0k
> and i have a "Big Problem" in the output of g2ctl.
> My wgrib2 is in the Path variable of the windows system.
> My output file is accessible and is not read only file.
> I a cygwin1.dll with wgrib2.exe in the opengrads
> I don't know what to think of this exept that wgrib2 is not working 
> correctly.
> I have the vesrion v0.178e of wgrib2
> I have a version 2 of grads
> My Wgrib2 went with my installation of opengrads
> Why is wgrib functionning and not wgrib2?
> Also i tested wgrib2 with the command -csv and then no output 0k
> Do you have any ideas?
> Thank you for your ideas and you time
> Pierre Lacombe
> Computer Analyst
> pierre.lacombe at mddep.gouv.qc.ca
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