[gradsusr] Help in showing the example of using fndlvl(), max() and maxloc()

sushant puranik sushantpuranik at gmail.com
Fri Mar 26 01:14:12 EDT 2010

Dear Ooi
Since i have tried to use your script by making modification at
max(wind(......)....) and also at levels. But after execution it shows
ga-> run /home/Sushant/Desktop/stjet.gs
No hardcopy metafile open
All files closed; all defined objects released
All GrADS attributes have been reinitialized
Scanning self-describing file:  /home/Sushant/u2008.nc
Found 1 data variables in SDF file.
Found displayable variable u with 17 levels in SDF file.
Scanning self-describing file:  /home/Sushant/v2008.nc
Found 1 data variables in SDF file.
Found displayable variable v with 17 levels in SDF file.

  largest maximum wind magnitude = 0, m/s

SET error:  Missing or invalid arguments for LEV option

  at grid points : -92.5 deg N and 0 deg E

can you please tell me where should i make change in the script?


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 10:40 AM, sushant puranik
<sushantpuranik at gmail.com>wrote:

> Thank you for sharing your script.
> I want to see the low level jet for the region 30E-100E and 20S-40N., for
> that purpose how can i modify your script
> Any suggestion ?
> Sushant
> On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 8:20 PM, See Hai Ooi <axl419 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>  Dear Mr Charles Seman,
>>         Regret to inform you that your suggested modification to my script
>> did not help.
>>         Anyway, I am pleased to inform you that my friend, Mr Kumar
>> Subramaniam of the Malaysian Meteorological Department, was able to assist
>> me to modify my script to make it work.  We are willing to share the script
>> (as attached) with you and all other GrADS users.   Also, I am convinced
>> that fndlvl() is not applicable for my stated purpose.
>>       Again, thank you and best regards.
>> Ooi
>> --- On *Wed, 24/3/10, Charles Seman <Charles.Seman at noaa.gov>* wrote:
>> From: Charles Seman <Charles.Seman at noaa.gov>
>> Subject: Re: [gradsusr] Help in showing the example of using fndlvl(),
>> max() and maxloc()
>> To: "See Hai Ooi" <axl419 at yahoo.com>
>> Date: Wednesday, 24 March, 2010, 11:44 PM
>> Ooi,
>> I downloaded your script to a local directory, and took a look at your
>> "search" loop for the maximum wind level...
>> Instead of doing a double-while loop, try this:
>>     'large=mw1'
>>     k=2
>>     while (k <= 12)
>>       if ('mw'k > 'large')
>>         'large=mw'k
>>         id=k
>>       endif
>>       k=k+1
>>     endwhile
>>    'max=large'
>>    'plev='id
>> Hope this helps,
>> Chuck
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