[gradsusr] Regridding 0.5° resolution Data to 2.5° resolution

Wesley Ebisuzaki Wesley.Ebisuzaki at noaa.gov
Mon Jul 26 10:02:56 EDT 2010


    If the reanalysis data are in grib format, you can use utilities to 
regrid the data.
On advantage is that these routines do vector interpolation of the winds 
produces better result near the poles.


   copygb -g2 -x IN.grb OUT.grb


    wgrib2 IN.grb2 -set_grib_type c3 -new_grid ncep grid 2 OUT.grb2

    * requires wgrib2 v0.1.8.4 with the optional IPOLATES package

      Wesley Ebisuzaki

Mubashar Dogar wrote:
> Dear GrADS Users,
> I have two sets of reanalysis data (in ctl format) one at 0.5° 
> resolution and the other one at 2.5° resolution. Both are in monthy 
> format. I want to make both data sets at same resolution for 
> comparison purpose. How can I regrid 0.5° resolution to 2.5° 
> resolution in GrADS?
> Regards,
> Mubashar
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