[gradsusr] problem compiling shapelib

Huber Paúl Gilt López huber.gilt at igp.gob.pe
Wed Jul 21 10:35:16 EDT 2010

Hello Everybody,


I have problem compiling SHAPELIB library, after I executed these commands,
I found the following errors, please help me.


I think the –soname argument is optional? if not How can I change it?


(The errors are in the end)


Best regards

Huber Gilt 



cd $HOME/supplibs/src/
tar xvfz tarfiles/shapelib-1.2.10.tar.gz
cd shapelib-1.2.10/
make lib



gcc -shared  shpopen.lo shptree.lo dbfopen.lo   -Wl,-soname -Wl,libshp.so.1
-o .libs/libshp.so.1.0.1

ld: Unrecognized argument: -soname

Fatal error.

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make: *** [lib] Error 1




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