[gradsusr] OpenGrADS Bundle 2.0.a8 Released!

Arlindo da Silva dasilva at alum.mit.edu
Wed Jul 14 18:18:31 EDT 2010

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Arlindo da Silva <dasilva at alum.mit.edu>wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Earnshaw, Paul <
> paul.earnshaw at metoffice.gov.uk> wrote:
>>  I have just tried using the i686 linux PC OpenGraDS bundle for 2.0.a8
>> and it is having trouble running, I get the following
> Which Linux distribution is this? Could you send the output of?
> % uname -a
> % gcc --version
One more piece of information, the glibc version obtained with

% ldd --version



>     Arlindo
>> gmdd at els040:> /home/h01/gmdd/grads2/Contents/opengrads
>>               Welcome to the OpenGrADS Bundle Distribution
>>               --------------------------------------------
>> For additional information enter "opengrads -h".
>> Starting
>> "/net/home/h01/gmdd/grads2/Contents/Linux/Versions/2.0.a8.oga.1/i686/grads
>> -HC 1  " ...
>> gmdd at els040:> echo $?
>> 8
>> gmdd at els040:>
>> /net/home/h01/gmdd/grads2/Contents/Linux/Versions/2.0.a8.oga.1/i686/grads
>> -HC 1
>> Floating point exception
>> Basically, the grads executable is dying as soon as it is starrted with a
>> floating point error. The equivalent 2.0.a7.oga.3 bundle works fine.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Cheers,
>> Paul
>> Dr. Paul Earnshaw   Global Model Development and Diagnostics
>> *Met Office*  FitzRoy Road  Exeter  Devon  EX1 3PB  United Kingdom
>> Tel: +44 (0)1392 884525  Fax: +44 (0)1392 885681
>> email: paul.earnshaw at metoffice.gov.uk website: www.metoffice.gov.uk
>> See our guide to climate change at
>> http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climatechange/guide
>>  ------------------------------
>> *From:* gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org [mailto:
>> gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org] *On Behalf Of *Arlindo da Silva
>> *Sent:* 14 July 2010 02:39
>> *To:* GrADS Users Forum
>> *Subject:* [gradsusr] OpenGrADS Bundle 2.0.a8 Released!
>> Dear GrADS Users,
>> We have started uploading to sf.net sources and binaries for the
>> OpenGrADS Bundle based on COLA's *2.0.a8* release:
>>        https://sourceforge.net/projects/opengrads/files/
>> Look under *grads2/2.0.a8.oga.1*
>> The OpenGrADS Bundle is a new way of packaging GrADS builds that is
>> somewhat inspired by my experience with the Win32 Superpacks. The idea is to
>> have a single package that require no (minimum?) configuration and that is
>> easily relocatable (say to a USB memory stick).  The structure of an
>> OpenGrADS Bundle is described here:
>>   http://opengrads.org/wiki/index.php?title=The_OpenGrADS_Bundle
>> Once you download the tarball take a look at the INSTALL file. You can
>> install it as a Bundle (highly recommended) or simply install the
>> binaries the same way you did in the past.
>> If you would like to build it from sources notice that the OpenGrADS
>> Bundle 2.0.a8 requires *Supplibs v2.2.0* available from:
>>    https://sourceforge.net/downloads/opengrads/supplibs/2.2.0/
>> The Windows build will be available soon, for now only Mac OS X, Linux,
>> FreeBSD and AIX.
>> *Note for Mac OS X users: *
>> **      Unless I hear from you, I am not intending to post a PowerPC
>> build. Let me know if you would need a PPC build of the OpenGrADS Bundle.
>>  This OpenGrADS release has improvements in the LATS interface and
>> in several of Mike Fiorino's extensions. We are also deprecating the
>> SHAPEFILE extension as this functionality is now built in GrADS.  See the
>> included "Documentation.html" for an in-depth description of the OpenGrADS
>> extensions. See below for additional information on this release.
>> *
>> *
>>    Cheers!
>>    Arlindo da SIlva
>>    On behalf of the OpenGrADS Development team
>>                     The OpenGrADS Bundle Distribution
>>                     ---------------------------------
>>                           http://opengrads.org
>>                           GrADS Version 2.0.a8
>>                           Released 10 July 2010
>> This OpenGrADS version is based on COLA's 2.0.a8 release which has
>> many new features, including several that were required to support
>> COLA's work with extremely high resolution data sets.
>> COLA's GrADS version 2.0.a8 is now linked with netCDF-4, which
>> supports compressed netCDF files and also has a new OPeNDAP interface
>> for gridded data sets. (This feature had already been included in all
>> OpenGrADS releases since 2.0.a2.) The netCDF-4 support by COLA
>> includes new commands (q cache, q cachesf, set cachesf, set
>> chunksize), new options to 'set sdfwrite' (-nc3/-nc4, -chunk, -zip,
>> -flt/-dbl), and a new descriptor file entry: CACHESIZE. Please begin
>> by reading the User's Guide page entitled "Reading and Writing
>> Compressed Data Sets" at
>>     http://iges.org/grads/gadoc/compression.html.
>> A side benefit to the netCDF-4 development was that it led to an
>> improvement in the HDF5 interface, which is now significantly faster
>> than in the previous release.
>> GrADS version 2.0.a8 also supports reading and drawing shapefiles, and
>> the OpenGrADS SHAPE extension is being discontinued. The shapefile
>> interface is adapted from an original design by Graziano Giuliani, the
>> same code used for developing the OpenGrADS SHAPE extension. There are
>> several new commands: 'draw shp', 'q shp', 'q dbf', and 'set shpopts',
>> and a User's Guide page entitled "Drawing and Querying the Contents of
>> a Shapefile" at http://iges.org/grads/gadoc/shapefiles.html .
>> COLA's work with extremely high resolution data sets led to a bunch of
>> changes to the GRIB interface. We added support for GRIB1 and GRIB2
>> files that are greater than 2Gb. This is handled with a "-big" option
>> to gribmap. A simple change to the user interface, but a fairly
>> significant change to code "under the hood." The gribmap utility now
>> also supports the "-b" option for GRIB2 data sets, a option that is
>> required for the new CFS Reanalysis. Both gribmap and wgrib have been
>> modified to support ECMWF grib files that have record lengths bigger
>> than 8MB.
>> There is a new graphics output option that is useful for the
>> interactive display of high-resolution data: 'set gxout imap'. This
>> quickly draws shaded grid boxes just like 'gxout grfill', but the
>> metafile is not updated so printim and print will not work. But it
>> saves a lot of time when browsing through data and 'fishing' for
>> something interesting to look at.
>> Two final miscellaneous items in the new release:
>> * Added template substitution strings %t4, %t5, %t6, %tm4, %tm5, %tm6
>> * New command 'q contours' returns contour colors and levels
>> This OpenGrADS release has improvements in the LATS interface and in
>> several of Mike Fiorino's extensions.  See the included
>> "Documentation.html" for an in-depth description of these new
>> extensions.
>> Several other important OpenGrADS additions are available with this
>> version:
>> - grads is now built with NetCDF v4.1.1 which includes support
>>   for NetCDF-4/HDF-5 (similar to gradsnc4 in v1.9.0-rc1) and has
>>   built in OPeNDAP support.
>> - this is an OpenGrADS Bundle release, a relocatable, minimum
>>   configuration package that has all that you need to run GrADS. See
>>   INSTALL for additonal information.
>> - we have introduced option -C to enable colorized text
>> - preview release of the OpenGrADS Extensions; the same extensions
>>   available in GrADS v1.9.0-rc1 are now available with GrADS v2.0.
>>   Caveat: as COLA is yet to publish the official API for User Defined
>>           functions in GrADS v2.0 we have adopted here an API that
>>           is based on our work vith v1.9.0-rc1. This is a very low-level
>>           API that is *not* endorsed by COLA. As such, it is *not*
>> advisable
>>           that users adopt this API to write their own extensions.
>> - These extensions are still being fully tested. Please report any
>> problems
>>   you encounter. Use them at your own risk.
>> - The following extensions are included: see below.
>> Documentation and Additional Information
>> ----------------------------------------
>> Consult
>>            OpenGrADS Website: http://opengrads.org
>>                GrADS Website: http://grads.iges.org/grads
>>                       ---------------------
>>                       User Defined Commands
>>                       ---------------------
>>    Command            Environment Variables               Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  printenv    Expand environment variables             c_xenv@^env.gex
>>  runenv      Expand env vars and run command          c_env@^env.gex
>>  @           Expand env vars and run command          c_env@^env.gex
>>  getenv      Get value of environment variable        c_getenv@^env.gex
>>  setenv      Set value of environment variable        c_setenv@^env.gex
>>    Command           GxYAT: Image Generation              Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  gxyat       Save images in PNG/SVG/PDF/PS            c_gxyat@^gxyat.gex
>>  set_rgba    Set color red/green/blue/alpha           c_rgba@^gxyat.gex
>>    Command           Simple Extension Example             Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  hello       Hello, World! sample command             c_hello@
>> ^libhello.gex
>>    Command          Interprocess Communication            Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  ipc_verb    IPC verbose toggle                       c_Verb@^libipc.gex
>>  ipc_open    Open stream for save/load                c_Open@^libipc.gex
>>  ipc_close   Close stream                             c_Close@^libipc.gex
>>  ipc_save    Save expression to stream                c_Save@^libipc.gex
>>  ipc_define  Define variable (obsolete)               c_Define@
>> ^libipc.gex
>>  ipc_error   Print IPC error message                  c_Error@^libipc.gex
>>    Command    LATS: File Reformatting and Subsetting      Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  set_lats    Set LATS parameters                      c_lats_set@
>> ^liblats.gex
>>  query_lats  Query LATS parameters                    c_lats_query@
>> ^liblats.gex
>>  lats_grid   Define LATS grid                         c_lats_grid@
>> ^liblats.gex
>>  lats_data   Write data to LATS file                  c_lats_data@
>> ^liblats.gex
>>  reinit_lats Re-init LATS parameters                  c_lats_reinit@
>> ^liblats.gex
>>    Command          Mike Fiorino's Extensions             Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  mfhilo      Find max/min or H/L in 2D field          c_mfhilo@^libmf.gex
>>  tcprop      Properties radinf from central lon/lat   c_tcprop@^libmf.gex
>>  grhist      histogram of expr                        c_grhist@^libmf.gex
>>    Command          Satellite Orbit Extensions            Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  set_orb     Set ORB parameters                       c_set@^orb.gex
>>  orb_track   Satellite ground tracks                  c_track@^orb.gex
>>                       ----------------------
>>                       User Defined Functions
>>                       ----------------------
>>   Function         Ben-Jei Tsuang's Extensions            Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  lt          Local time                               f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  jd          Julian day                               f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  cosz        Cosine solar zenith angle                f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  dayratio    Daylight ratio                           f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  if          Conditional function                     f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  maxv        Maximum value                            f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  minv        Minimum value                            f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  which       Label gridpoints                         f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  ftest       F-test                                   f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  ttest       T-test                                   f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  tfit        Point  linear regression                 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  fit         Global linear regression                 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  tcorr2      Time correlation                         f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  tregr2      Point linear regression                  f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  tmave2      Time averaging w/masking                 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  madvu       Calculates -d(u*EXPR)/dx                 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  madvv       Calculates -d(V*EXPR)/dy                 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  madvw       Calculates -d(W*EXPR)/dp                 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  muadv       Zonal advection                          f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  mvadv       Meridional advection                     f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  mwadv       Vertical advection                       f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  satvap      Saturated vapor pressure                 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  dew         Dew point temperature                    f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  lw          Thermal infrared fluxes                  f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  lw2         Thermal infrared fluxes v2               f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  pinterp     Pressure interpolation                   f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  zinterp     Height interpolation                     f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  line        Draws a line                             f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>  vint2       Mass-weighted vertical integral          f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>   Function     Streamfunction & Velocity Potential        Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  fish        Poisson solver                           f_fish@^fish.gex
>>  fish_psi    Compute streamfunction                   f_psichi@^fish.gex
>>  fish_chi    Compute velocity potential               f_psichi@^fish.gex
>>  fish_vor    Compute vorticity                        f_psichi@^fish.gex
>>  fish_div    Compute divergence                       f_psichi@^fish.gex
>>   Function       Saakeskus Wx Function Collection         Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  dewpt       Dew-point temperature                    f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>  ept         Equivalent potential temperature         f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>  epi         Potential Instability                    f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>  plcl        Pressure at LCL                          f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>  shear       Wind Shear                               f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>  srh1km      Storm-relative Helicity 0-1km'           f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>  srh3km      Storm-relative Helicity 0-3km'           f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>  tlcl        Temperature at LCL                       f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>  tsindex     Chance of T-storm Initiation             f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>  ttindex     Total Totals Index                       f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>  wchill      Wind Chill Index (New)                   f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>   Function           Simple Extension Example             Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  hello       Hello, World! sample function            f_hello@
>> ^libhello.gex
>>   Function          Interprocess Communication            Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  ipc_save    Save expression to stream                f_Save@^libipc.gex
>>  ipc_load    Load variable from file                  f_Load@^libipc.gex
>>   Function          Mike Fiorino's Extensions             Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  smth2d      Shuman smoother/de-smoother              f_smth2d@^libmf.gex
>>  uv2trw      Find radial/tangential velocity          f_uv2trw@^libmf.gex
>>  re2         General interpolator (regrid2)           f_re2@^libmf.gex
>>  esmrf       Saturation vapor pressure (old MRF)      f_esmrf@^libmf.gex
>>  linreg      Linear regression: mx + b                f_linreg@^libmf.gex
>>   Function          Satellite Orbit Extensions            Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  orb_mask    Satellite orbit masking                  f_mask@^orb.gex
>>   Function             Regridding Functions               Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  re          General interpolator                     ffre@^re.gex
>>  re_         General interpolator (verbose)           ffre_dbg@^re.gex
>>  regrid2     regrid2-like wrapper for re()            f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>  geos        Interpolation to GEOS-5 Grids            f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>  reimg       Interpolation for Image Generation'      f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>   Function         Spherical Harmonic Analysis            Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  sh_filt     Spherical harmonic filter                f_shfilt@
>> ^shfilt.gex
>>  sh_power    Spherical harmonic spectra               f_shpowr@
>> ^shfilt.gex
>>                                  I M P O R T A N T
>>                                  -----------------
>> The following extension is being discontinued as shapefile support is
>> now built into GrADS. If for some reason you must use these extensions
>> pelase
>> contact dasilva at opengrads.org for a way of activating it in this
>> version..
>>    Command             Shapefile Extensions               Function at Library
>>  ----------- ---------------------------------------
>>  --------------------------
>>  shp_lines   Draw lines    from shapefile             c_lines@^shape.gex
>>  shp_polyf   Draw polygons from shapefile             c_polyf@^shape.gex
>> --
>> Arlindo da Silva
>> dasilva at alum.mit.edu
>> _______________________________________________
>> gradsusr mailing list
>> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
>> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
> --
> Arlindo da Silva
> dasilva at alum.mit.edu

Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at alum.mit.edu
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