Time Settings for Data

Jason Snyder jmssnyder at UCDAVIS.EDU
Thu Jan 21 15:06:34 EST 2010

I tried the script but how do I get it to turn the date to a number?  I ran
this script and it does not seem to do anything except create the text file
date.txt, which shows the date as December 31 2008 0 hours.  when I enter
ga-'>set t 1

I still get the date
Time values set: 2009:1:1:3 2009:1:1:3,

where I would like it to be

Time values set: 2009:1:1:0 2009:1:1:0., which is what the other netcdf file

Nothing has really changed in terms of the time settings when I used this
script.  How do I use it?  Do I have to run it on both .nc files I want to
use and then I can use them together?

Let me know.



On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:10 AM, eliav schmulewitz <eliavs at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 9:07 PM, eliav schmulewitz <eliavs at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Jason
> Hi again
> i found the old script i wrote here is the part that turns string date to
> number:
> '
>   'q time'
> date=subwrd(result,3)
> hour=substr(date,1,3)
> day=substr(date,4,2)
> month=substr(date,6,3)
> year=substr(date,9,10)
> '!date -d 'date' +%m >> date.txt'
> a=read('date.txt')
> month1=sublin(a,2)
> '
>> eliav
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