difference between two files

Gisele Zepka gzepka at DGE.INPE.BR
Tue Feb 2 08:26:24 EST 2010

Hello users!!

I have two files with different resolutions and I want to compare the 
differences between them. I used the regrid function to take both in the 
same resolution. The regrided file is just one hour, while in the other 
I have a range of 22 times. I want to compare just the hour of the 
first, so I have two problems when I try to do that: an error of 
resolution, because the two files don't have the same quantity of points 
in x and y and I don't know how to set the time just for the second and 
then calculate the difference.

Please any help will be nice!


Msc. Gisele dos Santos Zepka
Atmospheric Electricity Group (ELAT)
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Av. dos Astronautas, 1758
São José dos Campos/ SP/ Brazil CEP 12227-010
Phone ++55(12)39456841

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