[gradsusr] Displaying data from NetCDF; outputting text files; using comparitive statistics

James Ciarlo` james.ciarlo at physics.org
Fri Dec 17 05:39:47 EST 2010

Thank you Muhammad.

That did the trick!

On 16 December 2010 15:33, Muhammad Rahiz <muhammad.rahiz at ouce.ox.ac.uk>wrote:

> --
> Muhammad Rahiz
> Researcher & DPhil Candidate (Climate Systems & Policy)
> School of Geography & the Environment
> University of Oxford
> On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, James Ciarlo` wrote:
>  Dear Muhammad,
>> The problem with the nc file is now solved thank you. I will contact the
>> RegCNET to understand
>> better the process that produces the nc files so that I can understand the
>> problem with that
>> file.
>> The processing that I was doing was from the ESRL web site, to obtain a
>> select region and time
>> frame. But that I can do with GrADS so it is not a problem.
>> Regarding the fprintf. I need to
>> sdfopen input.nc
>> set lon x
>> set lon y
>> set lev z   #so one value for each, one point in the map
>> set t 1 150 #so basically I am setting a time line
>> d prmsl # this gives me a graph of pressure v time
>> #Then from fprintf I need to get the values for both pressure and time
>> I use 'frpintf prmsl data.txt' to get the pressure values
>> But then I need to get the corresponding time values, even in a separate
>> text document, it
>> doesn't matter, as long as I can get it.
> It seems that you want to extract the timeseries of a particular grid
> point. The attached script would do that (items marked with ** needs to be
> changed to suit your data).
> What it does is to make a loop, and prints out two text files - one for
> data, and one for time stamp.
> Once you get the two text files out, you can join them together using the
> command
>  $ paste x.time.txt x.data.txt > x.output.txt
> The timestamp that I have for my file is something like 12Z28JAN2061. You
> may want to remove unwanted characters like 12Z so that it becomes
> 28JAN2061. To do so, run
>  $ sed -i 's/12Z//g' x.time.txt
>  DO you think it's possible?
>> James
>> On 15 December 2010 16:16, Muhammad Rahiz <muhammad.rahiz at ouce.ox.ac.uk>
>> wrote:
>>      --
>>      Muhammad Rahiz
>>      Researcher & DPhil Candidate (Climate Systems & Policy)
>>      School of Geography & the Environment
>>      University of Oxford
>>      On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, James Ciarlo` wrote:
>>      Dear Muhammad,
>>      A) I have sent you the nc file for file3.jpg, but I cannot send you
>> the nc
>>      file for file1.jpg
>>      and file2.jpg as it is 35 GB large. Perhaps we can figure it out
>> through
>>      this one?
>> The attached ESRL_SLP.nc file has undergone some processing. You can look
>> at the history
>> of commands on the file by
>>  $ ncdump -h ESRL_SLP.nc
>> I went the source of the data at
>> www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/gridded/data.20thC_ReanV2.monolevel.mm.htmland downloaded
>> the file prmsl.mon.mean.nc (it is the same file you have judging from the
>> file history).
>> I then made a test plot in GrADs (see prmsl.png). Plots fine.
>> As I said, some processing was done on the file you have. I don't know
>> exactly what
>> language (I suspect NCL) and what it's trying to do. Perhaps you can tell
>> what is it
>> that you're trying to do with the file, I could possibly help.
>>      B) I have set up the script fprintf.gs and have managed to get it
>>      operational. It works well
>>      and I thank you for it. I haven't been able to produce the text for
>> time and
>>      elevation though.
>>      I tried the same procedure as you mentioned for lon.txt and lat.txt
>> for
>>      time, but it didn't
>>      work? does it require another script or maybe a different way to
>> define
>>      time?
>> I'm not sure what you mean by wanting to get the ascii grid for time. Each
>> ascii that
>> you generate corresponds to a particular time. Hence if you want to get
>> ascii grids for
>> all time steps, just do something like
>> 'sdfopen input.nc'
>> 'set t 1'
>> 'd prmsl'
>> 'fprintf prmsl prmsl.t1.txt'
>> 'set t 2'
>> 'd prmsl'
>> 'fprintf prmsl prmsl.t2.txt'
>> Of course, you can do this in a loop for all time steps.
>> I'm not sure if elevation (topography) is a variable of climate data (I've
>> not come
>> across any). Do you mean pressure levels like 500mb, 100mb etc? If yes,
>> then you can do;
>> 'set lev 500'
>> 'set t 1'
>> 'd prmsl'
>> 'fprintf prmsl prmsl.time1.lev500.txt'
>> This gives you the data for 500mb pressure level at time, t=1.
>>      Regards,
>>      James
>>      On 15 December 2010 10:46, Muhammad Rahiz <
>> muhammad.rahiz at ouce.ox.ac.uk>
>>      wrote:
>>           Hi James,
>>           I suspect a corrupted data file. Could you attach the original
>>      datafile, if it's
>>           not too big? And attach the commands that you use to plot as
>> well.
>>           --
>>           Muhammad Rahiz
>>           Researcher & DPhil Candidate (Climate Systems & Policy)
>>           School of Geography & the Environment
>>           University of Oxford
>>      On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, James Ciarlo` wrote:
>>      Dear Muhammad,
>>      I am sorry it took me so long to answer. Thank you for your
>>      answer on point 2.
>>      Regarding point 1, opening .nc files. I have attached some
>>      files.
>>      The images from file1.jpg and file2.jpg are grads images
>>      (printim) from nc files produced with RegCM4, one is gxout
>>      contour and the other is gxout shaded.
>>      The image from file3.jpg is a grads image (printim) gxout shaded
>>      for an nc file from the ESRL database.
>>      The last image was produced with the PANOPLY data viewer from
>>      the same file that produced file3.jpg
>>      As you can see the data is not being plotted with grads as with
>>      normal .ctl files (which are working properly).
>>      I cannot seem to understand why it is not reading it properly.
>>      Maybe there are some definitions that I have to set? How should
>>      I check if all the settings are correct?
>>      Regarding point 3, I think I can do them as a normal
>>      mathematical expression, but I'll be trying that later on.
>>      Regards,
>>      James
>>      On 11 December 2010 12:24, James Ciarlo`
>>      <james.ciarlo at physics.org> wrote:
>>           Dear Muhammad,
>>      I just had a look at it this morning. Unfortunately I
>>      haven't yet had the time to put it to use. Thank you very
>>      much for your help. I will get back to you about it for
>>      sure. Thanks again
>>      Regards,
>>      James
>>      On 11 December 2010 09:59, Muhammad Rahiz
>>      <muhammad.rahiz at ouce.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
>>           Hi James,
>>           I was wondering if you got my reply to the
>>           query you posted because I'm not sure if it
>>           gets delivered successfully.
>>           Anyway, if you did not, these are what I
>>           suggested
>>           1. display error
>>           - Try set gxout to something other than the
>>           default e.g. set gxout grfill
>>           - set clevs
>>           - check units
>>           2. print to ascii
>>           what you need is the fprintf.gs script
>>           available
>>      athttp://cookbooks.opengrads.org/index.php?title=Recipe-002:_Savi
>>           ng_GrADS_variable_data_to_a_text_file
>>           Copy the code and name the file as fprintf.gs.
>>           Then do the following,
>>           sdfopen input.nc
>>           d var                   # where var = variable
>>           fprintf var dat.txt      # prints data of var
>>           fprintf lon lon.txt     # prints corresponding
>>           lon
>>           fprintf lat lat.txt     # prints corresponding
>>           lat
>>           3. statistical analysis
>>           I know how to do so in R. If you're interested
>>           in using R for this purpose, I can help.
>>           HTH,
>>           --
>>           Muhammad Rahiz
>>           Researcher & DPhil Candidate (Climate Systems
>>           & Policy)
>>           School of Geography & the Environment
>>           University of Oxford
>>           On Fri, 10 Dec 2010, James Ciarlo` wrote:
>>           Dear all,
>>           I am using GrADS 2.0.a9 on LINUX. I am
>>           trying to compare measured and modelled
>>           data by using GrADS. However since I am
>>           new with the program, there are
>>           some issues that I cannot seem to figure
>>           out, or find a solution to understand.
>>           I am experiencing:
>>           1) Difficulty with displaying data from
>>           NetCDF files
>>           I have opened the file with the command
>>           'sdfopen'
>>           When I tried 'd prmsl' I got the
>>           following error:
>>           Operation error:  Invalid dimension
>>           environment
>>             Min longitude > max longitude: 320 144
>>           So I used ' set lon -40 145' and tried
>>           the display command again
>>           I got the following line and the image
>>           attached (ncimage.jpg):
>>           Contouring: 99000 to 102300 interval 300
>>           And I am getting similar results with
>>           other nc files
>>           2) Difficulty with finding a command to
>>           output text files, or dat, or anything
>>           similar.
>>           I have used set lat, set lon, and set
>>           lev to obtain one value, and set t to
>>           get a long time interval, I have used d
>>           psa to display the time series, I
>>           can use printim file.jpg to get an
>>           image, but I cannot find a command to
>>           produce a file.txt so that I can make
>>           use of the actual numbers for
>>           statistical purposes.
>>           3) Difficulty with finding a command to
>>           work out comparative statistics,
>>           particularly correlation and
>>           significance.
>>           Regards,
>>           James Ciarlo`
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