[gradsusr] modis level 2

Huddleston, John Huddleston at cira.colostate.edu
Mon Aug 30 13:39:06 EDT 2010


Pete is right. I've looked at the Level2 Modis aerosol products and while they are higher resolution, each file changes its lat-long grid; plus, there is one file for every five minutes.

You could use the LAADS web site http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/data/search.html to average the data for your study.

On the other hand, depending on the time frame of your study, you could read the HDF files, write them out as station data, with the time change of five minutes, use the http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/gadocindex.html site example C/Fortran program to create your DAT file, create your ctl file for the selected parameters, and run stnmap.

That's a lot of computing and work on your part; however, you would end up with a data file for GrADS.

Not knowing your purpose or study requirements, I can only guess at this point what you want to do.

John Huddleston, PhD
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere

From: harikishan gandham [mailto:harimet at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:25 AM
To: Huddleston, John
Subject: hi

thanks mr . huddleston

actually i want to display the modis level 2 data in grads because it is higher resolution than modis level-3. so i am trying to do that. thanks about reply . is there any suggestions please forward to me

Junior Research fellow
PMA Division

From: gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org [mailto:gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org] On Behalf Of Colarco, Peter R. (GSFC-6133)
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 7:33 AM
To: GrADS Users Forum
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] modis level 2

MODIS Level 2 aerosol products are not on a regular grid, so grads is maybe not the right tool.  Another source for visualizing MODIS data is:


On Aug 29, 2010, at 8:38 PM, Huddleston, John wrote:


Two questions:
1) aqua or terra;
2) why level 2 and not level3 ftp://acdisc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/s4pa/Aqua_AIRS_Level3/

John Huddleston, PhD
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere

here is a level 3 example for aqua

dset MYD08_D3.A2006365.051.2009076233241.pscs_000500363256.hdf
dtype hdfsds
title Optical_Depth
unpack scale_factor add_offset
undef -9999 _FillValue
options yrev
xdef 360 linear -179.5 1.0
ydef 180 linear -89.5 1.0
zdef 1 levels 1000.0
tdef 1  linear 00:00Z31dec2006 1dy
vars 18
Optical_Depth_by_models_ocean_QA_Mean=>odmoqm 1 7,y,x Optical_Depth_by_models_ocean_QA_Mean
Optical_Depth_Ratio_Small_Land_And_Ocean_Mean=>odrslom 1 y,x Optical_Depth_Ratio_Small_Land_And_Ocean_Mean
Optical_Depth_Ratio_Small_Ocean_QA_Mean=>odrsoqm 1 y,x Optical_Depth_Ratio_Small_Ocean_QA_Mean
Optical_Depth_Ratio_Small_Land_Mean=>odrslm 1 y,x Optical_Depth_Ratio_Small_Land_Mean
Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land_QA_Mean=>codlqm1 1 1,y,x Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land_QA_Mean
Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land_QA_Mean=>codlqm2 2 1,y,x Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land_QA_Mean
Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land_QA_Mean=>codlqm3 3 1,y,x Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land_QA_Mean
Optical_Depth_Ratio_Small_Ocean_Mean=>odrsom 1 y,x Optical_Depth_Ratio_Small_Ocean_Mean
Optical_Depth_by_models_ocean_Mean=>odmom 1 7,y,x Optical_Depth_by_models_ocean_Mean
Optical_Depth_Ratio_Small_Land_QA_Mean=>odrslqm 1 y,x Optical_Depth_Ratio_Small_Land_QA_Mean
Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean_Mean=>eodaom1 1 1,y,x Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean_Mean
Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean_Mean=>eodaom2 1 2,y,x Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean_Mean
Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean_Mean=>eodaom3 1 3,y,x Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean_Mean
Optical_Depth_Land_And_Ocean_Mean=>odlom 1 y,x Optical_Depth_Land_And_Ocean_Mean
Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land_Mean=>codlm1 1 1,y,x Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land_Mean
Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land_Mean=>codlm2 2 1,y,x Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land_Mean
Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land_Mean=>codlm3 3 1,y,x Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land_Mean
Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean_QA_Mean=>eodaoqm7 7 1,y,x Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean_QA_Mean
From: gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org<mailto:gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org> [gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org] On Behalf Of harikishan gandham [harimet at gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 3:52 AM
To: gradsusr at gradsusr.org<mailto:gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
Subject: [gradsusr] modis level 2

dear grads users,

i am trying to open Modis level -2 data in grads (aerosols). that HDF file cannot opened in the grads. i request please any body solve this. please give me gs script to open this.

Junior Research fellow
PMA Division


Peter Colarco
Code 613.3
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
301.614.6382 (ph)
301.614.5903 (fax)

peter.r.colarco at nasa.gov<mailto:peter.r.colarco at nasa.gov>

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