Limitation of variable name length in NetCDF file

Shailendra Rai r_shail77 at REDIFFMAIL.COM
Thu Apr 1 23:43:10 EDT 2010

Hello All,

Is there any limitation in the variable name length of NetCDF file in 


I have downloaded a NetCDF file which contains meridional wind speed 

(var name: meridional_wind_speed) and meridional wind stress (var name: 

meridional_wind_stress). When I opened the NetCDF file by 'sdfopen 

filename', the variable name for both the variables is meridional_wind 

(i guess it is due to limitation in var name length)so both the 

variable can not be distinguished.

Kindly suggest how to proceed in this ?





Dr. Shailendra Rai                               

K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Studies

Nehru Science Centre

Faculty of Science

University of Allahabad

Allahabad, UP, INDIA-211002

Phone: +91 (532)-2460974 (O); 09415649617 (M)

Fax: +91 (532)-2460974 

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