OpenGrADS Bundle v2.0.a7.oga.1 Released!
Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at ALUM.MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 29 10:33:59 EDT 2009
Dear GrADS Users,
I have started uploading to sources and binaries for the
OpenGrADS Bundle based on COLA's *2.0.a7* release:
Look under grads2/2.0.a7.oga.1
The OpenGrADS Bundle is a new way of packaging GrADS builds that
is somewhat inspired by my experience with the Win32
Superpacks. The idea is to have a single package that require
no (minimum?) configuration and that is easily relocatable (say to
a USB memory stick). The structure of an OpenGrADS Bundle is
described here:
Once you download the tarball take a look at the INSTALL
file. You can install it as a Bundle (highly recommended) or
simply install the binaries the same way you did in the past.
Note: The Windows build will be available soon, for now only Mac OS X,
Linux and shortly FreeBSD.
*Note for Mac OS X users: *Unless I hear from you, I am not intending to
post a PowerPC build. Let me know if you would need a PPC build of the
OpenGrADS Bundle.
See below for additional information on this releae.
Arlindo da SIlva
On behalf of the OpenGrADS Development team
* The OpenGrADS Bundle Distribution*
* ---------------------------------*
* GrADS Version 2.0.a7.oga.1*
* Released 27 September 2009*
*This version is based on COLA's 2.0.a7 release which includes a new*
*interface for the native HDF-5 format, options for templating on Julian Day
*and time axis, new funtion eloop, in addition to some bug fixes. See*
*the ChangeLog for details.*
*Several important OpenGrADS additions are available with this version:*
*- grads is now built with NetCDF v4.0.1beta3 which includes support*
* for NetCDF-4/HDF-5 (similar to gradsnc4 in v1.9.0-rc1) and has*
* built in OPeNDAP support.*
*- gradsdap is no longer provided as its functionality is now included *
* in the single executable *grads*.*
*- this is an OpenGrADS Bundle release, a relocatable, minimum*
* configuration package that has all that you need to run GrADS. See*
* INSTALL for additonal information.*
*- we have introduced option -C to enable colorized text*
*- preview release of the OpenGrADS Extensions; the same extensions *
* available in GrADS v1.9.0-rc1 are now available with GrADS v2.0.*
* Caveat: as COLA is yet to publish the official API for User Defined*
* functions in GrADS v2.0 we have adopted here an API that*
* is based on our work vith v1.9.0-rc1. This is a very low-level*
* API that is *not* endorsed by COLA. As such, it is *not*
advisable *
* that users adopt this API to write their own extensions.*
*- These extensions are still being fully tested. Please report any problems
* you encounter. Use them at your own risk.*
* *
*- The following extensions are included: see below.*
*Documentation and Additional Information*
*Consult *
* OpenGrADS Website:*
* GrADS Website:*
* *
* User*
* Defined*
* COMMAND Short Description Function at Library *
* ---------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------
* ------- Environment Variables ------ @ *
* printenv Expand environment variables c_xenv@^env.gex*
* runenv Expand env vars and run command c_env@^env.gex*
* @ Expand env vars and run command c_env@^env.gex*
* getenv Get value of environment variable c_getenv@^env.gex*
* setenv Set value of environment variable c_setenv@^env.gex*
* ---------- GxYAT Extensions -------- @ *
* gxyat Save images in PNG/SVG/PDF/PS c_gxyat@^gxyat.gex*
* set_rgba Set color red/green/blue/alpha c_rgba@^gxyat.gex*
* ---------- Simple Examples --------- @ *
* hello Hello, World! sample command c_hello@^libhello.gex*
* ---- Interprocess Communication ---- @ *
* ipc_verb IPC verbose toggle c_Verb@^libipc.gex*
* ipc_open Open stream for save/load c_Open@^libipc.gex*
* ipc_close Close stream c_Close@^libipc.gex*
* ipc_save Save expression to stream c_Save@^libipc.gex*
* ipc_define Define variable (obsolete) c_Define@^libipc.gex*
* ipc_error Print IPC error message c_Error@^libipc.gex*
* ----- Mike Fiorino's Extensions ---- @ *
* mfhilo Find max/min or H/L in 2D field c_mfhilo@^libmf.gex*
* tcprop Properties radinf from central lon/lat c_tcprop@^libmf.gex*
* grhist histogram of expr c_grhist@^libmf.gex*
* -------- Shapefile Extensions ------ @ *
* shp_lines Draw lines from shapefile c_lines@^shape.gex*
* shp_polyf Draw polygons from shapefile c_polyf@^shape.gex*
* ---------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------
* User*
* Defined*
* FUNCTION Short Description Function at Library *
* ---------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------
* ----- Ben-Jei Tsuang Functions ----- @ *
* lt Local time f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* jd Julian day f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* cosz Cosine solar zenith angle f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* dayratio Daylight ratio f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* if Conditional function f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* maxv Maximum value f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* minv Minimum value f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* which Label gridpoints f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* ftest F-test f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* ttest T-test f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* tfit Point linear regression f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* fit Global linear regression f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* tcorr2 Time correlation f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* tregr2 Point linear regression f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* tmave2 Time averaging w/masking f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* madvu Calculates -d(u*EXPR)/dx f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* madvv Calculates -d(V*EXPR)/dy f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* madvw Calculates -d(W*EXPR)/dp f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* muadv Zonal advection f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* mvadv Meridional advection f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* mwadv Vertical advection f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* satvap Saturated vapor pressure f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* dew Dew point temperature f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* lw Thermal infrared fluxes f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* lw2 Thermal infrared fluxes v2 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* pinterp Pressure interpolation f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* zinterp Height interpolation f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* line Draws a line f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* vint2 Mass-weighted vertical integral f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
* --------- Psi/Chi Functions -------- @ *
* fish Poisson solver f_fish@^fish.gex*
* fish_psi Compute streamfunction f_psichi@^fish.gex*
* fish_chi Compute velocity potential f_psichi@^fish.gex*
* fish_vor Compute vorticity f_psichi@^fish.gex*
* fish_div Compute divergence f_psichi@^fish.gex*
* -- Saakeskus Function Collection -- @ *
* dewpt Dew-point temperature f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* ept Equivalent potential temperature f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* epi Potential Instability f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* plcl Pressure at LCL f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* shear Wind Shear f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* srh1km Storm-relative Helicity 0-1km' f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* srh3km Storm-relative Helicity 0-3km' f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* tlcl Temperature at LCL f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* tsindex Chance of T-storm Initiation f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* ttindex Total Totals Index f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* wchill Wind Chill Index (New) f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* ---------- Simple Examples --------- @ *
* hello Hello, World! sample function f_hello@^libhello.gex*
* ---- Interprocess Communication ---- @ *
* ipc_save Save expression to stream f_Save@^libipc.gex*
* ipc_load Load variable from file f_Load@^libipc.gex*
* ----- Mike Fiorino's Extensions ---- @ *
* smth2d Shuman smoother/de-smoother f_smth2d@^libmf.gex*
* uv2trw Find radial/tangential velocity f_uv2trw@^libmf.gex*
* re2 General interpolator (regrid2) f_re2@^libmf.gex*
* esmrf Saturation vapor pressure (old MRF) f_esmrf@^libmf.gex*
* linreg Linear regression: mx + b f_linreg@^libmf.gex*
* -------- Regridding Functions ------ @ *
* re General interpolator ffre@^re.gex*
* re_ General interpolator (verbose) ffre_dbg@^re.gex*
* regrid2 regrid2-like wrapper for re() f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* geos Interpolation to GEOS-5 Grids f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* reimg Interpolation for Image Generation' f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
* -------- Spherical Harmonics ------- @ *
* sh_filt Spherical harmonic filter f_shfilt@^shfilt.gex*
* sh_power Spherical harmonic spectra f_shpowr@^shfilt.gex*
* ---------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------
Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at
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