Meridional average of pressure levels data

Lee and Amy Byerle lbyerle at YAHOO.COM
Fri Sep 4 09:47:23 EDT 2009


How about:

open rean2.ctl
set z 1 17
set lon -60 10
set t varying (t1 to tlast)

define umer=ave(uwnd,lon=-90,lon=90)
set lon 1  (so that only lat, lev, and time are varying)
d umer  (loops through all times, plots lat vs z-dim)

Best regards,

On Sep 3, 2009, at 9:16 AM, Hyacinth Cyprain Nnamchi wrote:

> Dear GRADS Users,
> I have the NCEP-2 monthly data at 2.5x2.5 lon/lat for 17 vertical
> levels
> I want to calculate the meridional average for lon=-60 lon=10 such
> that the new data wil be of the form:
> lon =1
> lat = -90 90
> lev= 1 17
> time =t1 tlast (1979-2007)
> Can anyone help with some ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> hyacinth

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