error with netcdf file generated by cdo

Ben-Jei Tsuang btsuang at YAHOO.COM
Wed Oct 14 20:05:08 EDT 2009

Dear All:

I created a netcdf file using "CDO".

"cdo -f nc chname,var11,sst -selhour,12 -selltype,1 -selcode,11 flx.ft06.200908"

I can read the netcdf file using ncdump. But when I try to sdfopen it
using grads  v2.0.a7.oga.2. The error "SDF file does not have any
non-coordinate variables" occurs.

More details of the error and the messange of ncdump are listed as
attatched. Your help are appreciated.


Config: v2.0.a7.oga.2 little-endian readline printim grib2 netcdf
hdf4-sds hdf5 opendap-grids,stn athena geotiff
Issue 'q config' command for more information.
Loading User Defined Extensions table
</nuwa_cluster/opt/grads-2.0.a7.oga.2/Classic/bin/gex/udxt> ... ok.
Landscape mode? ('n' for portrait):  y
GX Package Initialization: Size = 11 8.5
ga-> sdfopen
Scanning self-describing file:
SDF file has no discernable time coordinate -- using default values.
gadsdf: SDF file does not have any non-coordinate variables.

Ben-Jei Tsuang

[btsuang at nuwaln01 flx]$ ncdump |more
netcdf sst.200908 {
       lon = 192 ;
       lat = 94 ;
       time = UNLIMITED ; // (31 currently)
       double lon(lon) ;
               lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
               lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
               lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
       double lat(lat) ;
               lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
               lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
               lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
       double time(time) ;
               time:units = "day as %Y%m%d.%f" ;
               time:calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" ;
       float sst(time, lat, lon) ;
               sst:code = 11 ;
               sst:table = 132 ;
               sst:grid_type = "gaussian" ;

// global attributes:
               :CDI = "Climate Data Interface version 1.3.2" ;
               :Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
               :history = "Thu Oct 15 06:51:52 2009: cdo -f nc
chname,var11,sst -selhour,12 -selltype,1 -selcode,11 flx.ft06.200908" ;
               :CDO = "Climate Data Operators version 1.3.2
(" ;

 lon = 0, 1.875, 3.75, 5.625, 7.5, 9.375, 11.25, 13.125, 15, 16.875, 18.75,

Ben-Jei Tsuang
Dept. of Environmental Engineering
National Chung-Hsing University

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