Descriptor file

Jennifer Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Fri Oct 9 13:09:53 EDT 2009

On Oct 6, 2009, at 12:34 PM, MMME wrote:

> Hi All
>      I have a problem in opening NETCDF file from GFDL. the NETCDF
> file is located in the following link

Don't force the list members to download a file in order to help you.
Please include in your post the output from "ncdump -c" then we will
know what's in it without having to download anything. This link
points to a table full of different files, there's no way to know
which one you want to read.

> I have also attached the decriptor file that I have created to use
> the open or xdfopen command
The descriptor file was helpful -- it allowed me to figure out which
file to download, except the file name in your descriptor
( does not exist on the server. I did find a
file called and will assume your descriptor has
a typo in it.

The easiest way to read this IPCC file is to use xdfopen. All you need
to do is properly describe the time axis, the rest of the metadata in
the file GrADS can interpret without any help. Your descriptor file
for xdfopen should look like this:
dset ^
tdef time 1200 linear 1jan2001 1mo

> Please help me solve this problrem
Please read the documentation on creating descriptor files for self-
describing files.


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