OpenGrADS Bundle v2.0.a7.oga.1 Released!
Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at ALUM.MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 6 10:12:11 EDT 2009
I just refreshed the binaries for the OpenGrADS Bundle, now at version *
2.0.a7.oga.2*. This patch fix an important bug that caused "printim" to
crash at odd places. It is strongly recommended that you replace the
previous v2.0.a7.oga.1 installation. This bug bfixes affects all versions:
Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and Windows.
Notice that this bug fix only affect the OpenGrADS release; no such bug
exists in the COLA releases.
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Arlindo da Silva <dasilva at>wrote:
> Dear GrADS Users,
> I have started uploading to sources and binaries for the
> OpenGrADS Bundle based on COLA's *2.0.a7* release:
> Look under grads2/2.0.a7.oga.1
> The OpenGrADS Bundle is a new way of packaging GrADS builds that
> is somewhat inspired by my experience with the Win32
> Superpacks. The idea is to have a single package that require
> no (minimum?) configuration and that is easily relocatable (say to
> a USB memory stick). The structure of an OpenGrADS Bundle is
> described here:
> Once you download the tarball take a look at the INSTALL
> file. You can install it as a Bundle (highly recommended) or
> simply install the binaries the same way you did in the past.
> Note: The Windows build will be available soon, for now only Mac OS X,
> Linux and shortly FreeBSD.
> *Note for Mac OS X users: *Unless I hear from you, I am not intending to
> post a PowerPC build. Let me know if you would need a PPC build of the
> OpenGrADS Bundle.
> See below for additional information on this releae.
> *
> *
> Cheers!
> Arlindo da SIlva
> On behalf of the OpenGrADS Development team
> * The OpenGrADS Bundle Distribution*
> * ---------------------------------*
> *
> *
> **
> *
> *
> * GrADS Version 2.0.a7.oga.1*
> * Released 27 September 2009*
> *
> *
> *This version is based on COLA's 2.0.a7 release which includes a new*
> *interface for the native HDF-5 format, options for templating on Julian
> Day*
> *and time axis, new funtion eloop, in addition to some bug fixes. See*
> *the ChangeLog for details.*
> *
> *
> *Several important OpenGrADS additions are available with this version:*
> *
> *
> *- grads is now built with NetCDF v4.0.1beta3 which includes support*
> * for NetCDF-4/HDF-5 (similar to gradsnc4 in v1.9.0-rc1) and has*
> * built in OPeNDAP support.*
> *
> *
> *- gradsdap is no longer provided as its functionality is now included *
> * in the single executable *grads*.*
> *
> *
> *- this is an OpenGrADS Bundle release, a relocatable, minimum*
> * configuration package that has all that you need to run GrADS. See*
> * INSTALL for additonal information.*
> *
> *
> *- we have introduced option -C to enable colorized text*
> *
> *
> *- preview release of the OpenGrADS Extensions; the same extensions *
> * available in GrADS v1.9.0-rc1 are now available with GrADS v2.0.*
> *
> *
> * Caveat: as COLA is yet to publish the official API for User Defined*
> * functions in GrADS v2.0 we have adopted here an API that*
> * is based on our work vith v1.9.0-rc1. This is a very low-level*
> * API that is *not* endorsed by COLA. As such, it is *not*
> advisable *
> * that users adopt this API to write their own extensions.*
> *
> *
> *- These extensions are still being fully tested. Please report any
> problems*
> * you encounter. Use them at your own risk.*
> * *
> *- The following extensions are included: see below.*
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *Documentation and Additional Information*
> *----------------------------------------*
> *
> *
> *Consult *
> * OpenGrADS Website:*
> * GrADS Website:*
> *
> *
> * *
> *
> *
> * User*
> * Defined*
> * COMMAND Short Description Function at Library *
> * ---------- -----------------------------------
> --------------------------*
> * ------- Environment Variables ------ @ *
> * printenv Expand environment variables c_xenv@^env.gex*
> * runenv Expand env vars and run command c_env@^env.gex*
> * @ Expand env vars and run command c_env@^env.gex*
> * getenv Get value of environment variable c_getenv@^env.gex*
> * setenv Set value of environment variable c_setenv@^env.gex*
> * ---------- GxYAT Extensions -------- @ *
> * gxyat Save images in PNG/SVG/PDF/PS c_gxyat@^gxyat.gex*
> * set_rgba Set color red/green/blue/alpha c_rgba@^gxyat.gex*
> * ---------- Simple Examples --------- @ *
> * hello Hello, World! sample command c_hello@^libhello.gex*
> * ---- Interprocess Communication ---- @ *
> * ipc_verb IPC verbose toggle c_Verb@^libipc.gex*
> * ipc_open Open stream for save/load c_Open@^libipc.gex*
> * ipc_close Close stream c_Close@^libipc.gex*
> * ipc_save Save expression to stream c_Save@^libipc.gex*
> * ipc_define Define variable (obsolete) c_Define@^libipc.gex*
> * ipc_error Print IPC error message c_Error@^libipc.gex*
> * ----- Mike Fiorino's Extensions ---- @ *
> * mfhilo Find max/min or H/L in 2D field c_mfhilo@^libmf.gex*
> * tcprop Properties radinf from central lon/lat c_tcprop@^libmf.gex*
> * grhist histogram of expr c_grhist@^libmf.gex*
> * -------- Shapefile Extensions ------ @ *
> * shp_lines Draw lines from shapefile c_lines@^shape.gex*
> * shp_polyf Draw polygons from shapefile c_polyf@^shape.gex*
> * ---------- -----------------------------------
> --------------------------*
> *
> *
> * User*
> * Defined*
> * FUNCTION Short Description Function at Library *
> * ---------- -----------------------------------
> --------------------------*
> * ----- Ben-Jei Tsuang Functions ----- @ *
> * lt Local time f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * jd Julian day f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * cosz Cosine solar zenith angle f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * dayratio Daylight ratio f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * if Conditional function f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * maxv Maximum value f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * minv Minimum value f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * which Label gridpoints f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * ftest F-test f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * ttest T-test f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * tfit Point linear regression f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * fit Global linear regression f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * tcorr2 Time correlation f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * tregr2 Point linear regression f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * tmave2 Time averaging w/masking f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * madvu Calculates -d(u*EXPR)/dx f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * madvv Calculates -d(V*EXPR)/dy f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * madvw Calculates -d(W*EXPR)/dp f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * muadv Zonal advection f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * mvadv Meridional advection f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * mwadv Vertical advection f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * satvap Saturated vapor pressure f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * dew Dew point temperature f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * lw Thermal infrared fluxes f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * lw2 Thermal infrared fluxes v2 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * pinterp Pressure interpolation f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * zinterp Height interpolation f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * line Draws a line f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * vint2 Mass-weighted vertical integral f_bjt@^libbjt.gex*
> * --------- Psi/Chi Functions -------- @ *
> * fish Poisson solver f_fish@^fish.gex*
> * fish_psi Compute streamfunction f_psichi@^fish.gex*
> * fish_chi Compute velocity potential f_psichi@^fish.gex*
> * fish_vor Compute vorticity f_psichi@^fish.gex*
> * fish_div Compute divergence f_psichi@^fish.gex*
> * -- Saakeskus Function Collection -- @ *
> * dewpt Dew-point temperature f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * ept Equivalent potential temperature f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * epi Potential Instability f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * plcl Pressure at LCL f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * shear Wind Shear f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * srh1km Storm-relative Helicity 0-1km' f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * srh3km Storm-relative Helicity 0-3km' f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * tlcl Temperature at LCL f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * tsindex Chance of T-storm Initiation f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * ttindex Total Totals Index f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * wchill Wind Chill Index (New) f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * ---------- Simple Examples --------- @ *
> * hello Hello, World! sample function f_hello@^libhello.gex*
> * ---- Interprocess Communication ---- @ *
> * ipc_save Save expression to stream f_Save@^libipc.gex*
> * ipc_load Load variable from file f_Load@^libipc.gex*
> * ----- Mike Fiorino's Extensions ---- @ *
> * smth2d Shuman smoother/de-smoother f_smth2d@^libmf.gex*
> * uv2trw Find radial/tangential velocity f_uv2trw@^libmf.gex*
> * re2 General interpolator (regrid2) f_re2@^libmf.gex*
> * esmrf Saturation vapor pressure (old MRF) f_esmrf@^libmf.gex*
> * linreg Linear regression: mx + b f_linreg@^libmf.gex*
> * -------- Regridding Functions ------ @ *
> * re General interpolator ffre@^re.gex*
> * re_ General interpolator (verbose) ffre_dbg@^re.gex*
> * regrid2 regrid2-like wrapper for re() f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * geos Interpolation to GEOS-5 Grids f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * reimg Interpolation for Image Generation' f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex*
> * -------- Spherical Harmonics ------- @ *
> * sh_filt Spherical harmonic filter f_shfilt@^shfilt.gex*
> * sh_power Spherical harmonic spectra f_shpowr@^shfilt.gex*
> * ---------- -----------------------------------
> --------------------------*
> *
> *
> --
> Arlindo da Silva
> dasilva at
Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at
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