Script file to make wind data and save it to ASCII

Wansang Ryu wansryu at GMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 5 16:57:06 EDT 2009

Dear Users,

It is hard for me to make a right script file.
Some of the users has helped me, thanks, but i still don't understand.

My data has two wind data;
ugrd10m: u wind at 10m (monthly)
vgrd10m: v wind at 10m (monthly)

I want to make a script file that calculates the magnitude of wind
(mag(u,v)) of each month at a point and save it to ASCII.
Here is the script file I made, but it doesn't work as expected.
Any of you guys can correct errors in my script file?

*Script Save as ASCII

'set grads off'
'set lon -123.93'
'set lat 45.67'
'set t 1 12'
'define wind=ave(mag(ugrd10m,vgrd10m),t+0,t=360,12)'
'modify wind seasonal'
'set gxout fwrite'
'set fwrite e:/research/climatedata/grads/data/wind'
'say 'ok''

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