how to make maximum wind plot along with level showing maximum wind for each grid
Phillip Lin
Tue Nov 24 15:01:21 EST 2009
Hi Chuck,
Thanks so much! I will test them first and then let you know the progress!
> Hi Phillip,
> Please find attached a script "" and called script functions
> "pause.gsf" and "scale_zdef_zlevs.gsf". "scale_zdef_zlevs.gsf" makes a
> local (temporary) ctl file with scaled vertical levels for plotting
> purposes: here specifically to convert the original zdef zlevs values
> from meters to kilometers (there may be a better way to do this; maybe
> using commands "set ylab off", followed by "set yaxis ..."). I hope all
> of the scripts needed for the script are attached; if not,
> please let me know. You may have questions about these scripts; please
> contact me if you do...
> Hope this helps,
> Chuck
> Phillip Lin wrote:
>> Hi Chuck,
>> Thanks for your dedicated input to this problem we have.
>> And could you be kind to send me a script you did before for the sane or
>> similar question? Then, maybe it is much helpful for me to solve this
>> problem!
>> Thanks much!
>> Phillip
>>> Hi Phillip,
>>> Sorry I didn't explain further: the code was meant as an example of how
>>> to find and plot extrema in a field of data. To do the max wind, the
>>> code would have to be modified to search in a wind speed field using
>>> "maxloc"... and the exact code would also depend on the domain...
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Chuck
>>> Phillip Lin wrote:
>>>> Hi Chuck,
>>>> I also met this problem. And there are something unclear to me (only
>>>> to
>>>> me!)in your last email, because:
>>>> (1) the level that has minimum temp isn't the same as the level where
>>>> there is maximum zonal wind speed;
>>>> (2) what does the meaning of the step (3) you said; sorry how can plot
>>>> the
>>>> values (xloc,j,yloc,j) on a (y,z)plot (this is the cross section in
>>>> the
>>>> height-latitude plane?
>>>> (3)could you be kind to tell me the basic ideas to get the maximum jet
>>>> stream, or... this means the contours of zonal wind speed in a
>>>> specific
>>>> level as 250mb or ...?
>>>> (4)could you be kind to send me the script to do this plotting, and
>>>> data
>>>> file too for a test.
>>>> I am quite confused about this! Thank you so much in advance!
>>>> Phillip
>>>>> Sushant,
>>>>> Here's some code that:
>>>>> 1) finds the height level "zmin" of the minimum temperature
>>>>> (represented
>>>>> by variable ztav = zonal average of weighted time average
>>>>> temperature)
>>>>> at each horizontal location "j" in a (y,z) physical domain
>>>>> 2) uses GrADS function "gr2xy"
>>>>> ( to transform
>>>>> the grid point location (j,zmin) to plot location (xloc.j,yloc.j)
>>>>> 3) plots the values (xloc.j,yloc.j) on a (y,z) plot
>>>>> say ' find and save location of minimum temperature...'
>>>>> j=1
>>>>> while ( j <= ny )
>>>>> 'set y 'j
>>>>> 'set gxout print'
>>>>> 'd minloc(ztav,z=1,z='nz')' ; rec3 = sublin(result,3) ; zmin =
>>>>> subwrd(rec3,1)
>>>>> * say result
>>>>> say ' ...j, zmin = 'j', 'zmin
>>>>> 'query gr2xy 'j' 'zmin
>>>>> rec = sublin(result,1) ; xloc.j = subwrd(rec,3) ; yloc.j =
>>>>> subwrd(rec,6)
>>>>> * say result
>>>>> say ' xloc, yloc = 'xloc.j', 'yloc.j
>>>>> j=j+1
>>>>> endwhile
>>>>> ...
>>>>> if( plot_min_temp = 'yes' )
>>>>> say ' plot level of minimum temperature... '
>>>>> j=1
>>>>> while ( j <= ny )
>>>>> 'set y 'j
>>>>> * say ' xloc, yloc = 'xloc.j', 'yloc.j
>>>>> 'set line 1'
>>>>> 'draw mark 3 'xloc.j' 'yloc.j' 0.03'
>>>>> j=j+1
>>>>> endwhile
>>>>> endif
>>>>> Please contact me if you have any questions about this code, or would
>>>>> like a script that does a plot.
>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>> Chuck
>>>>> sushant puranik wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Sir
>>>>>> I want to study the structure of a jet stream for that purpose i
>>>>>> wish
>>>>>> to make a plot showing maximum wind speed for each grid box
>>>>>> alongwith
>>>>>> the level in which the speed is maximum. Means it should print level
>>>>>> with maximum wind speed value. I am trying to solve this problem
>>>>>> since
>>>>>> last 15 days but i am not able to solve it. Does anyone has any idea
>>>>>> how i can make such plot using GrADS. I am using ECMWF interim
>>>>>> reanalysis data for this purpose.
>>>>>> Any suggestion is appreciated
>>>>>> Thanking you.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Sushant Puranik
>>>>>> Junior Research Fellow
>>>>>> Dept. of Atmospheric & Space Sciences,
>>>>>> University of Pune,
>>>>>> Pune-07,
>>>>>> India.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Please note that Charles.Seman at should be considered my NOAA
>>>>> email address, not cjs at
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>>>>> Charles Seman Charles.Seman at
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>>>>> Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory voice: (609) 452-6547
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>>> Charles Seman Charles.Seman at
>>> U.S. Department of Commerce / NOAA / OAR
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> Please note that Charles.Seman at should be considered my NOAA
> email address, not cjs at
> ********************************************************************
> Charles Seman Charles.Seman at
> U.S. Department of Commerce / NOAA / OAR
> Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory voice: (609) 452-6547
> 201 Forrestal Road fax: (609) 987-5063
> Princeton, NJ 08540-6649
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