concatenate defined fields in time

James T. Potemra jimp at HAWAII.EDU
Tue Nov 24 13:48:57 EST 2009

Hi Stephano:

I think you can just use the "skip" function, e.g.,

'set t 1 600'
'd skip(taux,12)'

should plot every 12th point starting at t=1 (so every January).  You
can check by first plotting the entire time-series, then every 12th
point to make sure this is what you want, e.g.,

'set t 1 600'
'd taux'
'd skip(taux,12)'


Stefano Materia wrote:
> Hello,
> I have .ctl file with a monthly time series of 50 years, and I'd like to
> make time series for each month. Namely, I want one variable to loop
> through the 50 januaries, one to loop through the 50 februaries, etc.
> example:
> define jan1=field(t=1) "january of year #1" define jan2=field(t=13)
> "january of year #2" ... ...
> How can I define totjan = jan1 & jan2 & ......
> so that
> set t 1 50 d totjan
> allows looping through jan1, jan2, etc... ? Is it possible to do that?
> Many thanks, Stefano
> --
> Stefano Materia - PhD
> CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici
> Viale Aldo Moro, 44 - 40127 Bologna (ITA)
> tel. +390513782676, fax +390513782655
> stefano.materia at
> -------------------------------------------------

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